nculocktool says doesnt support redmi turbo 3 ive asked in a few different sites, telegram/whatsapp but no one support redmi turbo 3, anyone can recommend me one please ?
Go to telegram and find miauthofficial and his channel is miauthofficial_d i had actually hard brick like you. Its 35$ but its def worth it. Bcs you dont have to get the whole motherboard replaced And you don't have to pay a lot of money to fix it. He has auth servers for xiaomi edl flash so...
I have a redmi note 10 pro and U dont have sound effects option in the weather app. I only have update in the night option. I had 14.0.7 and now 14.0.8 and none of them had sound effects. Even tried a full clean reflash. But in global rom i had sound effects.