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  1. S

    MIUI for Samsung Infuse 4G

    Yes. We just need an Official release for it. Either here or at
  2. S

    MIUI for Samsung Infuse 4G

    Can we get some support for the newer Samsung Infuse? It's quite a bad ass phone that deserves MIUI. XDA MIUI build for Infuse: Any other Infuse owners members here?
  3. S

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Shut the hell up idiot.
  4. S

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Thanks for this mod. It's awesome! Should we expect the .30 update tonight?
  5. S

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Thanks for the weekly new builds and for all the hard work. I love the mod and wouldn't use my Evo without it. Here's a shot: Andy, I need the MIUI launcher to be 5 wide, 7 high. 5 icon dock just like adw launcher, etc... Could you do this for me?