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  1. D

    Going back to original rom on sapphire(non nfc redmi note 13)

    I've been using for quite some time on my Sapphire(non NFC version) Redmi Note 13, and now i downloaded the original fastboot from this site: since i've been wishing to go back to the original room. saw a tutorial saying to use the...
  2. D

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    First timer here, watched this video () of a installation of the 1.0.2 hyperos on sapphire/sapphiren. It was said by him that the orangefox recovery would be installed with the rom, now a 1.0.3 rom os available, does it come with orangefox recovery embedded on every run by default? At this...