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  1. N

    New No internet connection at all when Wifi signal becomes average (Xiaomi 14 houji)

    Is your phone a Chinese or European model?
  2. N

    New No internet connection at all when Wifi signal becomes average (Xiaomi 14 houji)

    I think there is no solution for this. We have to use cn stock rom :(
  3. N

    Xiaomi 14 ( Houji ) Eu rom Wifi Problem

    Hello. Since I don't want to use CN rom on my xiaomi 14 phone which belongs to Chinese market, I install OS2.0.6.0.VNCCNXM and OS2.0.9.0.VNCCNXM roms but wifi network keeps disconnecting. There is no problem with original Chinese rom. Could it be because my phone is a device produced by China?