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    15 Pro imported from China

    oui c'est chiant... si tu trouves une solution ou si je trouve on se donne l'info; bonne journée.
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    15 Pro imported from China

    hi i have the same issue related to AI Chinese feature but i have also an issue to connect my samsung watch ( seems to not match with chinese version ) .
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    15 Pro imported from China

    Hi , have you still the issue with WhatsApp notification ? because i have the same issue than you and even more when i received call from WhatsApp , it is difficult because the call in not appearing directly i need to open the application and look who is calling me; if you have found solution...
  4. B

    Tutorial for unlock bootloader and change the version : xiaomi 15 pro

    Hi all, sorry for my bad English ( i am french ) . i have tow questions as i am new in this community . 1 / first where can i found a tutorial explained easily ( for beginners) to unlock the bootloader and have the capability to change te version. I bought a Xiaomi 15 pro in china in January...