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  1. N

    Invalid Third party passkey provider does not work

    It's already set of course.
  2. N

    Invalid Third party passkey provider does not work

    My device is 15 Ultra. I have already switched auto fill provider to Bitwarden, and creating passkey works perfectly (it's correctly stored in Bitwarden and can be used on other devices). However, authenticating with passkey does not work because the system always use google password manager as...
  3. N

    Start zygote32 only when needed

    NVM, it's my fault. Seems that new version of hyperos changed something. I just found ro.vendor.mi_support_zygote32_lazyload is false on my device.
  4. N

    Start zygote32 only when needed

    On normal cn rom, 32bit compatibility layer (tango) only starts only when needed, but on eu rom zygote32 is always running in background, which is a waste of battery if there is no 32bit app running or even installed.