Search results

  1. S

    MULTI MIUI v5 Multi Lang 3.4.12

    spend my spare time (many hours at month with miui) for only include into all roms, i prefer make my own, but thanks for info ingbrzy =)
  2. S

    MULTI MIUI v5 Multi Lang 3.4.12

    what are benefits of join into translation team?
  3. S

    3.3.1 (V5)

    Im try to port leak v5 to gnex and is very hardest without documentation, xiaomi promises to get "easy" method to port in aosp? Never?
  4. S

    [MOD] [3.2.22] Control Panel Suite [DISCONTINUED]

    Sorry for multi-post
  5. S

    [MOD] [3.2.22] Control Panel Suite [DISCONTINUED]

    Maguro show onscreen keys not avalaible forma device, and overscroll animations
  6. S

    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    Not work...
  7. S

    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    flashed it, menu appears ok, press to recovery or normal or bootloader options, reboot only the UI, but not reboot the phone.
  8. S

    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    3ways not work un jelly bean, maguro and crespo.
  9. S

    Release MIUI Multi-Language Rom 2.7.20 [ICS]

    Remove frameworks with conflicts languages, no all languages. Spanish is OK.
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    Release MIUI Multi-Lang ROM 2.7.13 [ICS]

    According to this, merge fixed all frames in spanish.
  11. S

    Release MIUI Multi-Lang ROM 2.7.13 [ICS]

    In profile says czech user Enviado desde mi Galaxy Nexus
  12. S

    Release MIUI Multi-Lang ROM 2.7.13 [ICS]

    Please add a language causes FC in report Enviado desde mi Galaxy Nexus
  13. S

    Release MIUI Multi-Lang ROM 2.7.13 [ICS]

    Language? Enviado desde mi Galaxy Nexus
  14. S

    MIUI Multi - Language ROM 2.7.6

    Problems with spanish? Not receive any email... translators need access to repo with values fully updated for all devices, if not, problems every week. its a suggestion
  15. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.16 update

    Maguro link is corrupt