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  1. promediax

    New GT-N7100 (F.C Contact photo)

    Sorry happend a few days ago, I will try to invoke it again for a screen shot and log.
  2. promediax

    New GT-N7100 (F.C Contact photo)

    Fc when trying to import photo from gallery to a contact. Using file manager e.g es explorer works fine.
  3. promediax


    Hi. Not having this problem at all. Cheack under battery settings if there is anything unusual sucking your power, otherwise try turning off s.pen detection turn on adaptive contrast and if your using a live wallpaper try using a normal wallpaper just for testing. Using a custom kernel is not...
  4. promediax

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.11.23 Preview Changelog (week 116)

    thanks for the good news and quick reply. :)
  5. promediax

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.11.23 Preview Changelog (week 116)

    would that just be in chinees ? because I dont see it in the rom list on this site
  6. promediax

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.11.23 Preview Changelog (week 116)

    I know it maybe a little early to anwser but do you know if miui china is planning on supporting the samsung note 2. Because if not I dont want one.
  7. promediax


    I am using sgs2 and none of the themes are working properly since the last two builds, even after a full wipe.
  8. promediax


    Its not suprising that there is not much activity when nobody answers your questions !!!!!
  9. promediax


    will the problem be solved this week were some parts of the theme e.g launch dock does not take effect ?
  10. promediax


    thats what i call a cup of coffee:p
  11. promediax


    already done it thanks, this will take a big cup of coffee before its finished. you guys are fantastic:)
  12. promediax


    jo back to 56k modem
  13. promediax


    hi. the rom download links are not clickable at the moment, or am I missing something ?
  14. promediax

    Resolved [crespo] GPS Problem

    hi guys just found an app which solves the problem too, Faster Fix from the app market works a treat, before it took up to 5 minuts to get a gps lock and now 3-5 seconds.
  15. promediax

    In Progress SGS2 - 2.7.6 - trouble battery drain!!

    yes its 2.7.6 and i am using default govener.
  16. promediax

    In Progress SGS2 - 2.7.6 - trouble battery drain!!

    hi there i am using siyah kernel and my battery is lasting longer than ever. surfed 4 hours yesterday and it used only 49% and with music also no battery drain. is maybe worth trying untill a fix is found.i have been using it for 8 months floorless.
  17. promediax

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.16 [ICS & GB] ROMS Uploaded

    sgs2 having problems with lock screen after listerning to music. the player lock screen will not disapear untill reboot. anybody noticed this ?
  18. promediax

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.16 [ICS & GB] ROMS Uploaded

    will sgs2 get a kernel update to lpq and if so will the audio dock on off function be implemented by then ?
  19. promediax

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.16 [ICS & GB] ROMS Uploaded

    tried reflashing the bootloader ? that might wipe off the s**t causing your problems worked for me had simala problem once too.
  20. promediax

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.16 [ICS & GB] ROMS Uploaded

    sgs2 wow.... this is hardware accseleration is now running better than stock rom, playes full hd smooth as hell even with high profiles. and thats not all, audio car dock is finaly working to, feels like christmas again.