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  1. H


    Hey thx for sharing. Two questions though. 1: what version is this of swype? 2: is norwegian language included? Also I can't get the download to work on my cellphone, unfortunately I won't have a computer until I come home later this evening...
  2. H

    Miui 0.11.19 english pack #3c (Nexus One / Desire)

    They are aware of this and it will be fixed once they get the time. It's an image so a little more hassle to alter than pure text...
  3. H

    Miui 0.11.19 english pack #3c (Nexus One / Desire)

    I have no problems with the sms app whatsoever. But I do have fc when trying to access themes settings...
  4. H

    [Nov. 16 - ver.1.5.2] MIUI weather update

    Keep up the good work! Much appreciated!
  5. H

    MIUI 0.11.19 Release-notes! (Week-13)

    Looking good! Lovin these weekly updates! The lovin never stops from these miui developers :):)
  6. H

    [Nov. 16 - ver.1.5.2] MIUI weather update

    Do u know that this new version of the app doesn't work outside china?
  7. H

    [Nov. 16 - ver.1.5.2] MIUI weather update

    zipped versions: #1: #2:
  8. H

    [Nov. 16 - ver.1.5.2] MIUI weather update

    I wasnt able to download the app directly, but woked with the zipped file. Though since I dont speak mandarin I have no idea if this works outside of china or not. Tried typing in a few cities, but no luck...
  9. H

    SMS theming coming in this week's OTA

    Looks cool :) looking forward to it
  10. H

    Unable to receive MMS

    Are u guys able to send mms? In cm it automatically resizes the images so I can send it, this though doesn't happen in miui and as a result I can't send mms either...
  11. H

    Access lockscreen music controls w/o playing music!

    i now got it to work. It's a setting in poweramp that needs to be enabled for this too work. 'enable headset controls' needs to be checked for this feature to work. Working now so I'm happy :) Sent from my Nexus One using the Forums App
  12. H

    Access lockscreen music controls w/o playing music!

    how did u get this to work? I did exactly this, but the lockscreen music controls still control the stock music app. Im sure that powerAmp is the default player. Does the 'equalization visualisation' work when u play music with poweramp?
  13. H

    Access lockscreen music controls w/o playing music!

    Re: Re: Access lockscreen music controls w/o playing music! I tried this with power amp, but it didn't with properly. The lockscreen music controls just play the regular music app. Unfortunately :(
  14. H

    Access lockscreen music controls w/o playing music!

    how did get u get the lockscreen music controls working with a custom music app?
  15. H

    ?11?12? 12nd week?MIUI OTA preview

    Can some1 help me find these settings/options? I cant seem to find them...
  16. H

    English Pack #1 for 0.11.12 (N1 / DESIRE)

    ur good at this explaining business :D thx a dozen!
  17. H

    English Pack #1 for 0.11.12 (N1 / DESIRE)

    I hate adb, havent taken the time to learn it :(
  18. H

    English Pack #1 for 0.11.12 (N1 / DESIRE)

    what do I do with this? just install it like a regular app or?
  19. H

    MIUI Weather Have u wonderful devs given up on recoding this thing to work with cities outside of China? If u need some testers I'd be more then happy O:)