
  1. S

    New to xiaomi and

    Hi. I'm brand new to xiami in general, I got a redmi note 13 pro 5G last week and there's a bunch of stuff (like ads) and the whole chinese spyware ("supposed") thing going on, that's enough to scare me away from it a little bit. I considered getting a different phone but I found this forum and...
  2. S

    Planning to buy a Mi11 Pro (Chinese) asking for feeback

    I've seen the same question but dated way back so I'd like to ask again here for updated feebacks: I'm thinking to buy a Mi 11 Pro in china (I understand it was never launched in global version) then unlock it and flash rom on it Can some actual owner recommend it? Comment on the...
  3. pi4a7a

    Buying advice: Mi8 or Mix 2S ?

    I am gonna buy new phone after a month or two, need your opinion about that. What do you prefer Mi8 or Mix 2S (both 6/64gb) Both phones have their pros and cons. The thing that's holding me from Mi8 is the S-AMOLED screen. The fact that it can burn-in burns me ( :) ) Both are on the same price...