xiaomi redmi note 4x

  1. kanem0chi

    Camera Redmi 4x Vs. Redmi Note 4x

    Hi Guys! Both devices have some sort of similarities, but not in the camera sensor. The RedMi Note 4X has a Sony IMX 258 sensor, while the RedMi 4X has a Samsung S5K3L8 sensor. I found the outcome surprising, so I decided to share my thoughts and experiences with both devices in a short video...
  2. kanem0chi

    Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x - Should I/you/we Upgrade..?

    Hi Guys, The Xiaomi RedMi Note 4X is an absolute Battery Monster with nearly 12 hours of onscreen time, but is it worth upgrading? HonorBuy asked me if I wanted to test this out with the new Xiaomi RedMi Note 4X. I decided to make a written review and video review, which I'd like to share with...