11 ultra gpay.


13 Feb 2025

hello. I have a problem with Xiaomi 11 ultra, the option to pay with gpay doesn't work for me. you can't add cards to the wallet when entering the ccv number it says no synchronization. etc. you probably need to go into bootadler and close the padlock. unless there is another way to do it, can someone help me with this?
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No info = no advice
- do you have a CN or Global device?
- what ROM do you have installed?
- do you have an unlocked bootloader?
telefon został pobrany z Chin. Kupilem już telefon z polskim menu, pewnie nie zamknięty bootadler. Prawdopodobne muszę do zamknia. może do zadzia.
So far you have written a lot of useless posts and nothing relevant. Even though you were asked for information. So don't expect help.