Backup & Restore with Xiaomi CLoud ?


12 Mar 2019
Hi everyone,
I just bought a new Xiaomi phone and I need to backup my old phone.
On settings I cannot backup my phone because the storage needed is not enough.
But when I try to buy new storage, it only shows me the price in HK$ and says an error has happened when I try to purchase some storage.

I'm in France. Do you know how I can backup my phone with Xiaomi Cloud ?

The goal is to backup everything (I don't care about files, because I can copy it on my computer), contacts, bluetooth, wifi settings, app data (if possible), etc.

Thank's for your help :)
I'm using last beta version of on Mi 10.

Best regards,
I don't know why you can't upgrade, I also have this problem with supericons, I can't purchase some. But here is a way to backup everything without using Mi cloud : In phone settings go to "my device" tap "Backup and restore" then make a Backup. After that you can connect the phone to your computer, find the Backup file in MIUI-backup- all backup. Copy the file on the new phone in MIUI-backup-all Backup and tap restore Backup in phone settings.