call recorder

drazen 55

25 Mar 2025
I've installed xiaomi call recorder on my phone(redmi note 13 pro 5G),but it does't work properly,either call is not recorded,either is,but without caller name,and without sound. Same thing is happening with any call recorder app that i've have instaled,can anyone help,please?
This forum is not an official forum, here the discussions are related mostly with custom ROM. As far as I know the have by default integrated call recording support into the system.
I'm not sure what were your steps, how and on what ROM did you installed the call recorder, but if you installed just an apk (an application) is not enough, because should be patched/installed and other packages which are deeply integrated into the operating system in order to support call recording.
Officially Chinese stock ROM and couples of other variants (not exactly sure) have this feature by default included in it (I think to Indonesian, Taiwanese and probably Russian firmware's too)
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