DESPERATE need for help: bootlooping Xiaomi Redmi note 6 pro (tulip)


28 Apr 2020
my Xiaomi Remi note 6 Pro after 3 years of smooth running with stock ROM during a MIUI update started to bootlooping.

After dozen of attempts, once it remained incredibly ON for a few minutes and I managed to UNLOCK the bootloader through MI Unlock.
So I flashed TWRP official recovery, I wiped Dalvik art, Cache and Data, then I installed the CUSTOM ROM for Redmi note 6 pro...nevetheless after 10 minutes of smooth running (excpet for a strange flashing lock screen which forced me to make several attempts to unlock) it started again to bootloop endlessly

On top of that, it started to bootlooping also on recovery mode and on fastboot mode....
So I'm totally UNABLE to flash anything because the phone remains on fastboot mode only for 5 seconds....then reboots automatically...

Please any help would be appreciate...I'm DESPERATE