Dialling out with a 18001 prefix


17 Nov 2020
Hi all

Approxiamtely 4 months ago, I got myself a Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Pro.

Ever since, I've also changed my SIM from Three to Smarty.

As I am profoundly deaf, I use a service called Next Generation Relay - link: https://www.relayuk.bt.com/

This enables to call people via an operator where I can type my messages, the operator relay it verbally. Operator also listen in to the other user and type whatever they are saying. It is a 3 way conversation - rather time consuming but essential for someone like me who need to communicate over the telephone with people who don't like using emails or messaging. Lots of companies also only supply telephone numbers with no alternative contact methods.

Anyway - cutting to the chase - for me to dial out, I need to add 18001 as a prefix before dialling the normal telephone numbers. Everytime, it says ""Sorry you have not been given access to this service" (I got someone else to listen for me in case you're wondering). I have been back and forward with my SIM provider and they cannot see any issues. My wife is also deaf and she have no problem with her Smarty on this NGT Relay service and she use a Moto G7 Power.

Eventually, I moved my SIM to my old handset, a Oneplus 3T. It is working. So this isn't a problem with my SIM and mobile network.

So this make me think it is my Xiaomi phone blocking me from using this prefix. Does anyone else have same issue (on an off chance one of you is deaf and use the same service) or might you have the knowledge and expertise to explain what is going on here and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards