EU ROM to Global ROM


15 Sep 2018
Since there won't be anymore support for Europe ROM, how can I flash to Global Stable ROM?

I try to flash using Flash Tools to Global ROM, when Anti Rollback is present, and it's not successful.

Any solutions or suggestions.

When did this happen? Was there an announcement I missed?

Update regarding HMnote8Pro MTK [begonia] support:
- We dropped support for HMnote8Pro MTK [begonia] due to a lot of bricks caused by installing TWRP or Magisk or any other mods.. MTK does not allow to boot to Fastboot if something "goes wrong" and users are forced to flash images via SPFlash Tool EDL mode which is locked by Xiaomi for few authorized accounts only.. so for safety of users, we will not release any ROMs for this device..
PS: We do not recommend buying MTK devices if you want to use our ROMs..