Failed to install MI10Ultra_V13.0.5.0 and phone has gone...


20 Aug 2020
I have tried to install today the new update of rom via twrp and it has ended with an error:

E1001: Failed to flash system partition.

and its failing mounting /vendor, /product and /odm all of three with invalid argument error.
Now my Xiaomi Mi10Ultra keeps rebooting all time and i cant do anything more that enter in flashbood mode or recovery mode... It is there any option to fix it via recovery mode?
Thanks in advance, i'm very noop user at this level, until now all the updates has been installed succesfully, this error never happens to me…
By the other side i have tried to install the first rom for xiaomi mi 10 ultra posted here via fastboot amd i had an error with on partition, it’s like the partition doesn’t exists…
storsecbak partition <- this partition has the error no such partition
By the other side i have tried to install the first rom for xiaomi mi 10 ultra posted here via fastboot amd i had an error with on partition, it’s like the partition doesn’t exists…
are you able to boot into twrp? if yes, you can check the version. there should be a banner with version number
are you able to boot into twrp? if yes, you can check the version. there should be a banner with version number
Here again, I had make some photos, hope they have the information you need.
Thanks in advance for the help mate!


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Here again, I had make some photos, hope they have the information you need.
Thanks in advance for the help mate!
from what I see, you are using an old twrp, it is not compatible with android 12 / MIUI 13.

for example I used twrp 3.6.2 from skkk for installing ROM that you tried to install.

there is actually a very good installation guide.

in this guide you will find the link and instructions how to install twrp

and here you can download latest twrp

for mi 10 ultra you will need

Hi guys,

the mentioned download site does not work, could somebody please share the with me via Google drive ?