

5 Nov 2016
After a several days of trying unlock the bootloader to install twrp and the eu rom, it is finally done. I had the request for the unlock accepted within an hour or two, a couple of weeks ago. The unlock would only go to 50% - cannot verify device. I tried spflash and managed to install 8.0.3 rom but no further than that. A few days later I followed another thread and by using the edited cust.img - I managed to get the China developer rom on the phone, but I still couldn't get past the 50% unlock. I set up on another computer with a sim card in the phone and tried the find device again, once the message was sent to the phone the unlock worked.
TWRP nikel installed via fastboot no problem / touchscreen ok, but I had the problem with no data partition, this was cured by the format data button under wipe / factory reset. Everything now works like a charm. Thanks for everyones help.