New hands free headset


1 Apr 2012
Hello everyone, does anyone know what hands free headset to use on miui rom? I'm using moto defy and have tried several moto sets, non of wich work properly, I had a set that did work but can't tell what they are from. any ideas!
Hi, I have the same problem on the DHD. I had a motorola headset but it did not work and just picked up a Jawbone ERA and it doesnt work either. I tried on version 2.3.30 and also on 2.4.6 but still no luck getting it to connect. It says it pairs but will not connect to the hands free set. :(
Try usind HTC headset, I tried a pair from a desire and they work, but the sound quality is not as good as moto sets. let me know if you come across any others.