is my phone rooted?


5 Dec 2024
Hello, I just noticed that my girlfriend is not getting the latest updates on her Xiaomi 13. The security updates are from September 2023. She hasn't received the Hyper OS yet either, she still has the Miui system. I also have a Xiaomi 13 and it is up to date with the system and updates. Since yesterday there has been an app for a digital ID in Italy, this app reports that the phone is not compliant with this app because it may be rooted or compromised. I bought her phone on eBay from a certified dealer and it said original global ROM. Is there any way I can check this or reinstall it with the original ROM?
Everything written on the phone can be modified and wrong, only the IMEI will give you the exact version.
If you want updates, you will have to flash a Cn rom in EDL mode (not free) but you will not be able to install a Global.
Best solution is to return the phone to your "certified "seller.
This could also be wrong, the only way to know is a CMD fastboot “fastboot getvar unlocked”,99% it is locked.