Lockscreen notification hangs on mi 11 ultra


Jun 22, 2021
Heya fellas,

So recently my mi 11 ultra running latest stable is freezing on the last bit of animation which causes the phone to lose battery just like a wakelock.. and won't let the screen off so it goes back to sleep.

The one I use is the last one on the right which shows blue bubbles on both sides of the screen.

This started happening after either 1 of 2:

1. Latest eu stable version 12.5.17 or
2. Running the art compiler command on adb which was supposed to fix slow response/ issue on the phone.

Installed BBS only to find 2 problems.. 1 was a strange alarm request from microg which by the end of the day comes to thousands of alarms and 2 was the amount of awake(screen off) which comes to 2-3 hours depending on your social groups activity/notifications.

Anyone else facing the same issue with the lockscreen animation hanging?