Phone after ota update bricked no any aciton any way to recover?
B BesTCooL Members 24 May 2013 5 11 24 May 2013 #1 Phone after ota update bricked no any aciton any way to recover?
Acid Scripting Ninja Staff member 20 Aug 2011 2,727 247 24 May 2013 #4 Which OTA update? We don't have OTAs but full roms. For mione_plus its ""
emaz Members 14 Oct 2012 181 28 24 May 2013 #5 were you using the chinese version? or the rom? In any case try to get in fastboot mode than you can use the Miflash tool to flash a rom on it
were you using the chinese version? or the rom? In any case try to get in fastboot mode than you can use the Miflash tool to flash a rom on it
G gamergod Members 22 Apr 2013 70 18 24 May 2013 #6 Device is not bricked. Had that happen too, remove battery and all will be fine. Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk 2
Device is not bricked. Had that happen too, remove battery and all will be fine. Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk 2
B BesTCooL Members 24 May 2013 5 11 24 May 2013 #7 may be my friend tryed other custom roms dont know he say me "a update ı accept phone not restarting" any way pls help
may be my friend tryed other custom roms dont know he say me "a update ı accept phone not restarting" any way pls help
E eddie9684 Members 10 May 2012 224 52 2 Aug 2013 #9 BesTCooL said: no any help Click to expand... try to use miflash... put the phone on fastboot and use miflash to factory reset your phone
BesTCooL said: no any help Click to expand... try to use miflash... put the phone on fastboot and use miflash to factory reset your phone
emaz Members 14 Oct 2012 181 28 23 Aug 2013 #11 can you turn the phone on? It stops on bootlogo? to get in recovery you have to keep volup+power until recovery shows up to get in fastboot mode keep pressing mibutton+voldown+power (mi button is camera button)
can you turn the phone on? It stops on bootlogo? to get in recovery you have to keep volup+power until recovery shows up to get in fastboot mode keep pressing mibutton+voldown+power (mi button is camera button)