New Mi2S 3.8.9 issue


13 Aug 2013
Why is it the my MI2S has no problem loading miuiandroid version 3.8.9 and when the versions are applied all the applications (contact, settings, messages, etc) refuse to run properly?
Because you shouldn't do this. Use miuiandroid version or Not both.
I had used only versions on both partitions originally. And still had the same problem. I even checked my IMEI number on the site. Original MI2S.
Maybe you didnt do full wipe... Just make full wipe and choose what rom you would like to use and install it on both partitions.
Before doing that how do I backup the entire phone?
One concern, if after a full wipe and installation of the rom I am still not able to acesss the Settings or Updater app, how can I load the miuiandroid roms on to the phone?
Via recovery of course. Turn off the phone and push volume-up + Power button. Release when you see MI Logo. Choose english and Install zip. Remember that you must change rom filename to "" and move the file to root of SD card to be able to install from Mi Recovery.

To backup.. well use Backup app. But if its FC then you wont be able to do so.
Solved. I did not have to install rom on both the partitions.
Steps that worked for me:-

1.) Download the zip file from
2.) Install it using the Updater app or throught Settings>About Phone
3.) After inatallation the phone will reboot
4.) After reboot switch off the phone and start in Recovery mode (press Volume up and power button)
5.) Select Full wipe (I did not try any other option)
6.) Reboot the Phone.

I did notice that after these steps if I tried to restore my backup file made from
the default Backup app my default Browser app would not work.

This might be a problem for other users wanting to use a rom. I am planing to backup most of data on the Xiaomi account.

Thanks Acid.

P.S. :-
For all members to note, and for the People at Xiaomi, I had ZERO problems
installing a rom onto a rom, no app problems, no need for full wipe, nothing.

When I tried to update from one version of rom to another rom, I had to redo all the above mentioned steps, never had to anything like that with roms.

"Xiaomi, learn from Miuiandroid they could teach you a thing or two."