Proper Apktool For Miui 7

Yasuhide Oomori

11 Apr 2016
Hi,I've been trying for several days to mod Mms.apk on miui7 with apktool.
But every apktool i use seems to decompile fine, but when it came to recompiling,
end in complete failure.

It seems there's some problem in building the resources while recompiling the apk.

My account here isn't allowed to share pastebin link now. /qhXHFYP5

I get this kind of Errors about 4000 lines.
  1. /home/oomori/miui/Build/Mms/res/layout/advanced_checkbox_preference.xml:5: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/simIcon').

  2. /home/oomori/miui/Build/Mms/res/layout/advanced_checkbox_preference.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/simName').

I got Mms.apk and frameworks framework-ext-res.apk framework-res.apk miui.apk miuisystem.apk from Version: V7.2.7.0.LHPCNDB (MIUI7) ROM .

And I use Java 1.7.0_80 on ubuntu 64bit.

Not sure if i have to change anything else. Regardless haven't been able to test this do to my problems with apktool.

Anyways thanks for your help in advance.
add - 18 in apktool.yml before recompile.
- 1
- 16
- 18