Resolved Santander Way (Banking app) doesn't work on POCO F3 (Redmi K40)


12 Mar 2022
same problem in but i tested on V13.0.3.0.SKHEUXM and V13.0.3.0.SKHCNXM Work fine without any problems! But on ROM's dont work!!! (China and Europe official ROM)
I already tested on xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_V13.0.3.0.SKHCNXM_v13-12 (Stable) and Weekly and both have the same problem! (related in video from another topic).

I already try all methods on this post! Without twrp, with twrp but folder renamed, without magisk, with magisk but folder renamed, with safetynet module (yes , all test is checked), tried with fronzed magisk but simply nothing work! I tried turn off dev options and oem too, but dont work!

My logcat:
03-12 13:35:25.842  2030  2316 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x4, 27825549, channel '98db0d5 NavigationBar0 (server)'
03-12 13:35:25.843  2030  2316 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x0, 27825549, channel 'e598d7b com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher (server)'
03-12 13:35:25.845  3134  3134 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.miui.home.launcher.common.messages.EndSpringAnimatorMessage
03-12 13:35:25.845  3134  3134 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent
03-12 13:35:25.846  3134  3134 W AssistantOverlaySwipeController:  Can't scroll to -1 screen
03-12 13:35:25.846  3134  3134 W AssistantOverlaySwipeController:  Check Launcher status
03-12 13:35:25.846  3134  3134 W AssistantOverlaySwipeController:  1 true 2 false 3 true 4 true 5 true 6 true 7 true 8 true 9 true 10 true 11 true 12 true 13 true 14 true 15 true 16 true 17 true 18 true 19 true
03-12 13:35:25.846  3134  3134 D FeedSwipeController: touchState : 0 scrolling : false normalEditing : false WidgetThumbnailViewShowing : false UninstallDialogShowing : false isMinusScreenShowing: false
03-12 13:35:25.846  3134  3134 D FeedSwipeController: can not use
03-12 13:35:25.846  3134  3134 D Launcher.StatusBarController: try intercept touch, isProxySurvive=true
03-12 13:35:25.847  1190  1320 D RefreshRateConfigs: TouchBoost - choose 60.00fps
03-12 13:35:25.847  3134  3134 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch down
03-12 13:35:25.847  3134  3134 D ScreenView_Workspace: onIntercept:0.0
03-12 13:35:25.847  3134  3134 D ScreenView_Workspace: not intercept
03-12 13:35:25.848  3134  3134 D Launcher.CellLayout: touch item:ShortcutInfo, id=50, itemType=0, user=UserHandle{0}, mIconType=0,,, screenId=2, container=-100, cellX=1, cellY=2, spanX=1, spanY=1
03-12 13:35:25.848  3134  6158 D Launcher.Boost: bindcore 200
03-12 13:35:25.848  3134  3134 D Launcher.itemIcon: folmeDown
03-12 13:35:25.890  1099  1691 D DisplayFeatureHal: get frame stat: 50
03-12 13:35:25.913  1008 11366 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND
03-12 13:35:25.913  1008 11366 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF
03-12 13:35:25.969  2030  2316 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x1, 27825676, channel 'e598d7b com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher (server)'
03-12 13:35:25.970  3134  3134 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch up or cancel
03-12 13:35:25.970  3134  3134 D ScreenView_Workspace: oninterceput up
03-12 13:35:25.971  3134  3134 D Launcher.itemIcon: folmeUp
03-12 13:35:25.973  3134  3134 E QuickstepAppTransitionManagerImpl: getActivityLaunchOptions   iconLoc=Rect(333, 750 - 505, 922)
03-12 13:35:25.978  2030  4731 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[333,750][505,922] (has extras)} from uid 10081
03-12 13:35:25.983  2030  4731 D PerfImpl: perfHint
03-12 13:35:25.983  2030  4731 D PerfImpl: perfHint
03-12 13:35:25.984  2030  4731 D PerfImpl: perfGetFeedback
03-12 13:35:25.984  2030  4731 D PerfImpl: perfHint
03-12 13:35:25.984  2030  4731 D PerfImpl: perfIOPrefetchStart
03-12 13:35:25.984  2030  4731 E ANDR-PERF-JNI: com_qualcomm_qtiperformance_native_perf_io_prefetch_start
03-12 13:35:25.987  2030  4731 W ActivityTaskManager: Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=237 attached=false
03-12 13:35:25.987  1068  4218 E ANDR-IOP: io prefetch is disabled
03-12 13:35:25.989  2030  4731 D PerfImpl: perfColdLaunchBoost: android, -1, 1
03-12 13:35:25.989  2030  4731 D PerfImpl: perfColdLaunchBoost: android, -1, 1
03-12 13:35:25.990  1072  1072 W ANDR-PERF-LM: WQ: push() 54: LMTriggerQ push() size=25 mFlushThreshold=25, Reached threshold => flooding detected, clearing Queue
03-12 13:35:26.000  3134  3134 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onPause:UserHandle{0},93349d7,true
03-12 13:35:26.000  3134  3134 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: setState:PAUSE_WAIT
03-12 13:35:26.002  4317 10592 D LauncherOverlay: setActivityState:1
03-12 13:35:26.002  4317  4317 D LauncherOverlay.Window: onPause
03-12 13:35:26.003  2030  4731 D PerfImpl: perfAnimBoost:
03-12 13:35:26.013  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.015  2030  2060 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{c57204b BTopFgs #189298} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{1f1ca28 com.miui.notification:remote/1000 pkg=com.miui.notification} proc state 3 (1753 skipped)
03-12 13:35:26.016  2030  2713 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10212, uidState = 19
03-12 13:35:26.017   873   873 D Zygote  : Forked child process 25670
03-12 13:35:26.017  2030  2073 D PerfImpl: perfColdLaunchBoost:, 25670, 101
03-12 13:35:26.018  2030  2073 I ActivityManager: Start proc for pre-top-activity {} caller=others
03-12 13:35:26.024  3134  3134 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:false,UserHandle{0},93349d7,true
03-12 13:35:26.024  3134  3134 D DecorView[Launcher]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus false
03-12 13:35:26.027  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.036  3134 28713 E LauncherAnimationRunner: onAnimationStart
03-12 13:35:26.036  3134 28713 E LauncherAnimationRunner: onAnimationStart:   mode=1   taskId=2   isTranslucent=false
03-12 13:35:26.036  3134 28713 E LauncherAnimationRunner: onAnimationStart:   mode=0   taskId=237   isTranslucent=false
03-12 13:35:26.037  3134  3134 E QuickstepAppTransitionManagerImpl: startIconLaunchAnimator:launcherClosing=true   iconLoc=Rect(333, 750 - 505, 922)
03-12 13:35:26.037  3134  3134 E QuickstepAppTransitionManagerImpl: startOpeningWindowAnimators:iconLoc=Rect(333, 750 - 505, 922)
03-12 13:35:26.037  3134  3134 E ClipAnimationHelper: updateSourceStack  mSourceInsets=Rect(0, 80 - 0, 130), mSourceStackBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400)
03-12 13:35:26.037  3134  3134 E ClipAnimationHelper: updateHomeStack  mSourceInsets=Rect(0, 80 - 0, 130), mHomeStackBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400)
03-12 13:35:26.037 25670 25670 E m.santander.wa: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-12 13:35:26.037  3134  3134 E ClipAnimationHelper: updateTargetRect  mSourceRect=RectF(0.0, 80.0, 1080.0, 2480.0)   mTargetRect=RectF(0.0, 0.0, 1080.0, 2400.0)   mSourceWindowClipInsets=RectF(0.0, 80.0, 0.0, 0.0)   mHomeStackBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400)   targetRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400)
03-12 13:35:26.037  3134  3134 I QuickstepAppTransitionManagerImpl: startOpeningWindowAnimators, currentDisplayRotation=0, homeRotation=0, startRectF=RectF(339.0, 756.0, 499.0, 916.0), endRectF=RectF(0.0, 0.0, 1080.0, 2400.0), startRadius = 243.0, endRadius = 106.0, isUseTranslucentAnim = false
03-12 13:35:26.038  3134  3134 W DimLayer: createDimLayer
03-12 13:35:26.038  3134  7171 W FloatingIconLayer: getFloatingIconLayer
03-12 13:35:26.038  3134  3134 E QuickstepAppTransitionManagerImpl: startLauncherContentAnimator:isAppOpening=true
03-12 13:35:26.039 25670 25670 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
03-12 13:35:26.040 25670 25670 I MessageMonitor: Load libmiui_runtime
03-12 13:35:26.043  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.043  3134  7171 W FloatingIconLayer: drawIcon
03-12 13:35:26.043  2030  3276 D PerfImpl: perfColdLaunchBoost:, 25670, 103
03-12 13:35:26.041  3134  3134 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:30521): avc: denied { search } for name="mcd" dev="dm-5" ino=388 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:mcd_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.miui.home
03-12 13:35:26.047  3134  6158 D Launcher.Boost: bindcore 123
03-12 13:35:26.048  2030  2771 D CameraBlackCoveredManager: mForegroundPackage = mOccupiedPackage = com.whatsapp
03-12 13:35:26.048  3134 28459 D AppObserver: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=10212, mForegroundPid=25670, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10081, mLastForegroundPid=3134, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10212, mFlags=1}
03-12 13:35:26.048  4191  8804 I SLAToast: foreground uid:10212, isColdStart:true, isLinkTurboEnable:false
03-12 13:35:26.049  4436  5578 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=10212, mForegroundPid=25670, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10081, mLastForegroundPid=3134, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10212, mFlags=1}
03-12 13:35:26.049  5686 30123 I GST     : forePkg:, preForePkg: com.miui.home
03-12 13:35:26.049  5240  5985 D ThermalIECHandler: IECAll48Allowed: false; IECMonitorAllowed: false; IECTestState: false
03-12 13:35:26.049  5240  5969 I ThermalInfoCollector: collectForgroundAppsInfo
03-12 13:35:26.049  5240  8359 D PerfEngineController: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=10212, mForegroundPid=25670, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10081, mLastForegroundPid=3134, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10212, mFlags=1}
03-12 13:35:26.050  5240  5936 D LS-ForegroundStatusManager: handleMessage ForegroundInfoChanged. pkg =, uid = 10212, mCurrentForegroundUid = 10081
03-12 13:35:26.050  5240  5936 D LS-ForegroundStatusManager: onForegroundChanged mCurrentForegroundUid = 10081, new uid = 10212
03-12 13:35:26.050  5240  3753 D GreenifyCheckerStatsd: onForegroundInfoChanged:
03-12 13:35:26.050 25670 25670 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10212; state: DISABLED
03-12 13:35:26.050  5240  5951 D GreenifyCheckerStatsd: resetPackageState, cmd=10081:2
03-12 13:35:26.051  5240  5951 E GreenifyCheckerStatsd: reset foreground package state failed, path error!
03-12 13:35:26.051  5240  5951 D GreenifyCheckerStatsd: resetPackageState, cmd=10212:1
03-12 13:35:26.051  5240  5951 E GreenifyCheckerStatsd: reset foreground package state failed, path error!
03-12 13:35:26.051  5240  5928 D BL-BatteryLifeChecker:  onMessage. what = -10
03-12 13:35:26.051  5240  5928 D BL-BatteryLifeChecker:  onMessage. Foreground uid = 10081, isForeground = false
03-12 13:35:26.051  5240  5928 D BL-BatteryLifeChecker:  onMessage. what = -10
03-12 13:35:26.051  5240  5928 D BL-BatteryLifeChecker:  onMessage. Foreground uid = 10212, isForeground = true
03-12 13:35:26.045  5240  5240 W GreenifyChecker: type=1400 audit(0.0:30522): avc: denied { write } for name="pkg_fb_set" dev="proc" ino=4026532321 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
03-12 13:35:26.045  5240  5240 W GreenifyChecker: type=1400 audit(0.0:30523): avc: denied { write } for name="pkg_fb_set" dev="proc" ino=4026532321 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
03-12 13:35:26.052  2030  2713 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10212, uidState = 2
03-12 13:35:26.052  4072 32491 W MQSService:,calling Uid:10212
03-12 13:35:26.053  4072 32491 D MQSService: registerApplicationScoutThread pid = 25670, packageName =
03-12 13:35:26.053  4436  5578 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged:     last=com.miui.home
03-12 13:35:26.053 25670 25686 D AppScoutStateMachine: 25670-ScoutStateMachinecreated
03-12 13:35:26.057  4436  5578 I GameBoosterReflectUtils: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field topActivity in class Landroid/app/ActivityTaskManager$RootTaskInfo; (declaration of '$RootTaskInfo' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar)
03-12 13:35:26.057  4436  5578 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=10212, mForegroundPid=25670, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10081, mLastForegroundPid=3134, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10212, mFlags=1}
03-12 13:35:26.053  3134  3134 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:30524): avc: denied { search } for name="mcd" dev="dm-5" ino=388 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:mcd_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.miui.home
03-12 13:35:26.060  4436  5578 I VideoBoxUtils: isSupportVideoBox: true
03-12 13:35:26.060  4436  5578 I VideoToolBoxService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit Vtb
03-12 13:35:26.060  4436  5578 E SuggestManager: openApp name =
03-12 13:35:26.061  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.063  5240  5985 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 31468430
03-12 13:35:26.063  1008 11351 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released
03-12 13:35:26.064  5240  5985 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 31468430
03-12 13:35:26.069 25670 25670 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for '' set to: 'default'
03-12 13:35:26.069 25670 25670 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for false
03-12 13:35:26.069 25670 25670 V GraphicsEnvironment: Updatable production driver is not supported on the device.
03-12 13:35:26.070 25670 25670 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: initialize for , ForceDarkOrigin
03-12 13:35:26.071 25670 25670 D OpenGLRenderer: JNI_OnLoad success
03-12 13:35:26.071 25670 25670 I MiuiForceDarkConfig: setConfig density:2.750000, mainRule:0, secondaryRule:0, tertiaryRule:0
03-12 13:35:26.071 25670 25670 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
03-12 13:35:26.071 25670 25670 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
03-12 13:35:26.074  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.090  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.089 25695 25695 W ps      : type=1400 audit(0.0:30525): avc: denied { read } for name="pid_max" dev="proc" ino=3592351 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c212,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_pid_max:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
03-12 13:35:26.097 25670 25694 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10212; state: DISABLED
03-12 13:35:26.102 25670 25670 W m.santander.wa: Opening an oat file without a class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs?
03-12 13:35:26.104  3134 28979 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground
03-12 13:35:26.104  3134  3471 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground    MSG_TASK_STACK_CHANGE
03-12 13:35:26.104  3134  3471 D RecentsModel: preloadRecents
03-12 13:35:26.104  3134  3471 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask
03-12 13:35:26.105  3134  3471 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask   taskInfo=TaskInfo{userId=0 pcFlags:0 taskId=237 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{} topActivity=ComponentInfo{} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=38797492 supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow=true supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@cd21892} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=PictureInPictureParams( aspectRatio=null sourceRectHint=null hasSetActions=false isAutoPipEnabled=false isSeamlessResizeEnabled=true) displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 80 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{bdd2263} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=true topActivityInSizeCompat=false locusId= null windowMode=0}
03-12 13:35:26.105  3134  3471 W RecentsModel: getTaskInfoIgnoreHomeAndFreeform   taskInfo=ComponentInfo{}
03-12 13:35:26.105  3134  3471 E ActivityManagerWrapper: get all recent tasks force including 237
03-12 13:35:26.105  3134  3471 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: size=1
03-12 13:35:26.106  3134  3471 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=237   userId=0   baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 }
03-12 13:35:26.108  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.110  3134  3134 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false
03-12 13:35:26.110  3134  3200 D StatusBarController: handleMessage: flag 800000  disable false
03-12 13:35:26.124  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.141  3134  7171 W FloatingIconLayer: release
03-12 13:35:26.142  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 25670
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.content.Context.getPackageName()' on a null object reference
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:1040)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at$1600(Unknown Source:0)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at$H.handleMessage(Unknown Source:774)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:19)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Unknown Source:176)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at android.os.Looper.loop(Unknown Source:76)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:138)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at$ Source:11)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:309)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.content.Context.getPackageName()' on a null object reference
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at android.content.ContextWrapper.getPackageName(Unknown Source:2)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:5)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:4)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:47)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at᫅ࡨ(Unknown Source:139)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:5)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at᫘ࡨ(Unknown Source:202)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:6)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:0)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     at Source:877)
03-12 13:35:26.150 25670 25670 E AndroidRuntime:     ... 9 more
03-12 13:35:26.152  4072  4230 E OOMEventManager: oom event not support this pkg, dismiss this!
03-12 13:35:26.153  4072 32491 W MQSEventManager: jeoccur
03-12 13:35:26.158  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.161 11296 11346 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = 6
03-12 13:35:26.161  2030  2713 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10151, uidState = 3
03-12 13:35:26.170  4072  4230 W MQSEventManager: Unable to store event
03-12 13:35:26.175  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.191  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.202  3134  3295 E Launcher.Transfer: transfer is closed
03-12 13:35:26.208  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.223  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.239  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.250 25670 25710 I FA      : App measurement is starting up, version: 14711
03-12 13:35:26.250 25670 25710 I FA      : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
03-12 13:35:26.250 25670 25710 I FA      : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
03-12 13:35:26.250 25670 25710 I FA      :   adb shell setprop
03-12 13:35:26.256  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.261  4537  4537 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { }
03-12 13:35:26.261  4537  4537 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { }
03-12 13:35:26.272  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.288  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.300  3134  3134 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: mResetIdleStateRunnable
03-12 13:35:26.306  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.323  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.339  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.355  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.372  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.388  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.404  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.421  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.438  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.454  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.471  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.488  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.503  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.520  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.537  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.553  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.570  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.586  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.603  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.619  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.619  3134  3134 W DimLayer: removeDimLayer
03-12 13:35:26.621  3134  3134 E LauncherAnimationRunner: finish:
03-12 13:35:26.642  2030 25735 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=data_app_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
03-12 13:35:26.642  2030  5744 W ActivityTaskManager:   Force finishing activity
03-12 13:35:26.648 25670 25670 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 25670 SIG: 9
03-12 13:35:26.650  5240  5985 I DisplayFrameSetting: homeToAppEnd
03-12 13:35:26.650  2030  2072 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to
03-12 13:35:26.650  2030  2072 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
03-12 13:35:26.651  3134  3134 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.miui.home.recents.messages.TaskSnapshotChangedEvent
03-12 13:35:26.651  3134  3134 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent
03-12 13:35:26.665  2030  4399 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 25670) has died: fg  TOP
03-12 13:35:26.665  2030  2074 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10212 pid 25670 in 0ms
03-12 13:35:26.666   873   873 I Zygote  : Process 25670 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
03-12 13:35:26.668  4537  4537 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { }
03-12 13:35:26.669  4658 19837 I com.xiaomi.xms: oneway function results for code 3 on binder at 0xb40000714e7a2a00 will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION
03-12 13:35:26.669  2030  2713 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: removeUidState uid = 10212
03-12 13:35:26.674  2030  4399 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'e7a71ce Splash Screen (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
03-12 13:35:26.680  2030  4399 D PerfImpl: perfWarmLaunchBoost: com.miui.home, -1, 1
03-12 13:35:26.686  2030  2771 D CameraBlackCoveredManager: mForegroundPackage = com.miui.home mOccupiedPackage = com.whatsapp
03-12 13:35:26.686  4191   641 I SLAToast: foreground uid:10081, isColdStart:false, isLinkTurboEnable:false
03-12 13:35:26.686  4436  5578 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10081, mForegroundPid=3134, mLastForegroundPackageName='', mLastForegroundUid=10212, mLastForegroundPid=25670, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10081, mFlags=0}
03-12 13:35:26.686  5240  8359 D GreenifyCheckerStatsd: onForegroundInfoChanged: com.miui.home
03-12 13:35:26.686  5240  5951 D GreenifyCheckerStatsd: resetPackageState, cmd=10212:2
03-12 13:35:26.686  5686 30123 I GST     : forePkg: com.miui.home, preForePkg:
03-12 13:35:26.686  3134 28459 D AppObserver: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10081, mForegroundPid=3134, mLastForegroundPackageName='', mLastForegroundUid=10212, mLastForegroundPid=25670, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10081, mFlags=0}
03-12 13:35:26.686  5240  5951 E GreenifyCheckerStatsd: reset foreground package state failed, path error!
03-12 13:35:26.686  5240  3753 D PerfEngineController: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10081, mForegroundPid=3134, mLastForegroundPackageName='', mLastForegroundUid=10212, mLastForegroundPid=25670, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10081, mFlags=0}
03-12 13:35:26.687  5240  5969 I ThermalInfoCollector: collectForgroundAppsInfo
03-12 13:35:26.687  5240  5936 D LS-ForegroundStatusManager: handleMessage ForegroundInfoChanged. pkg = com.miui.home, uid = 10081, mCurrentForegroundUid = 10212
03-12 13:35:26.687  5240  5936 D LS-ForegroundStatusManager: onForegroundChanged mCurrentForegroundUid = 10212, new uid = 10081
03-12 13:35:26.687  5240  5928 D BL-BatteryLifeChecker:  onMessage. what = -10
03-12 13:35:26.687  5240  5928 D BL-BatteryLifeChecker:  onMessage. Foreground uid = 10081, isForeground = true
03-12 13:35:26.688  5240  5928 D BL-BatteryLifeChecker:  onMessage. what = -10
03-12 13:35:26.688  5240  5928 D BL-BatteryLifeChecker:  onMessage. Foreground uid = 10212, isForeground = false
03-12 13:35:26.688  5240  5985 D ThermalIECHandler: IECAll48Allowed: false; IECMonitorAllowed: false; IECTestState: false
03-12 13:35:26.689  5240  5951 D GreenifyCheckerStatsd: resetPackageState, cmd=10081:1
03-12 13:35:26.689  5240  5951 E GreenifyCheckerStatsd: reset foreground package state failed, path error!
03-12 13:35:26.690  4436  5578 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Cur=com.miui.home
03-12 13:35:26.690  4436  5578 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10081, mForegroundPid=3134, mLastForegroundPackageName='', mLastForegroundUid=10212, mLastForegroundPid=25670, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10081, mFlags=0}
03-12 13:35:26.690  4436  5578 I VideoBoxUtils: isSupportVideoBox: true
03-12 13:35:26.690  4436  5578 I VideoToolBoxService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit Vtb
03-12 13:35:26.690  4436  5578 E SuggestManager: openApp name = com.miui.home
03-12 13:35:26.693  2030  4399 W ActivityTaskManager: Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=237 attached=false
03-12 13:35:26.693  2030  4399 W ActivityTaskManager: Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=237 attached=false
03-12 13:35:26.694  2030  2632 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window session=Session{5541a0 3068:1000}
03-12 13:35:26.697 11296 11346 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = 6
03-12 13:35:26.697  2030  2713 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10151, uidState = 5
03-12 13:35:26.708  3134  3134 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onResume:UserHandle{0},93349d7,false
03-12 13:35:26.708  3134  3134 W Settings: Setting device_provisioned has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
03-12 13:35:26.708  3134  3260 D MiBridge: requestCpuHighFreq---- uid: 10081 level: 1 timeoutms:500
03-12 13:35:26.708  1644  9579 W MiuiBooster: "MiuiBoosterService requestCpuHighFreq: 10081, 1, 500"
03-12 13:35:26.708  1644  9579 W MiuiBooster: "requestCpuHighFreq,final level:1,final timeoutms:500"
03-12 13:35:26.708  1644  9579 W MiuiBooster: "perf_hint_hc start"
03-12 13:35:26.708  1644  9579 W MiuiBooster: "big_core_value[level-1]:4095"
03-12 13:35:26.708  1644  9579 W MiuiBooster: "little_core_value[level-1]:4095"
03-12 13:35:26.708  1644  9579 W MiuiBooster: "prime_core_value[level - 1]:4095"
03-12 13:35:26.708  1644  9579 W MiuiBooster: "perf_handle:10039"
03-12 13:35:26.708  3134  3260 D MiBridge: requestCpuHighFreq handle: 1
03-12 13:35:26.708  3134  3260 D Launcher_CPUBooster: boostCpuToMax:0
03-12 13:35:26.709  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.709  3134  3134 D Launcher.FullbackHome: FallbackHomeCompat::needKillSelf::needKillSelf = false
03-12 13:35:26.710  4317 10592 D LauncherOverlay: setActivityState:3
03-12 13:35:26.710  4317  4317 D LauncherOverlay.Window: onResume
03-12 13:35:26.724  3134  3134 W BlurUtils: restore blur ratio:0.0 for window:
03-12 13:35:26.724  3134  3134 E BlurUtils: fastBlurDirectly ratio=0.0
03-12 13:35:26.725  3134  3134 W BlurUtils: save blur ratio:0.0 for window:
03-12 13:35:26.725  3134  3134 E RotationHelper: setCurrentTransitionRequest: request=0
03-12 13:35:26.725  3134  3134 E RotationHelper: setCurrentTransitionRequest: request=0
03-12 13:35:26.725  3134  3134 D RecentsImpl: mActivityStateObserver com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher
03-12 13:35:26.726  3134  3134 W RecentsImpl: onResumed className=com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher   mIsInAnotherPro=false   isKeyguardLocked=false
03-12 13:35:26.730  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.730  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.731  3068  3111 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
03-12 13:35:26.732  3068  3111 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
03-12 13:35:26.732  3068  3111 W System  : A resource failed to call release.
03-12 13:35:26.732  3068  3111 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
03-12 13:35:26.732  3068  3111 W System  : A resource failed to call release.
03-12 13:35:26.733  5240  5985 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 31468430
03-12 13:35:26.733  5240  5985 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 31468430
03-12 13:35:26.735  3134  3134 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:true,UserHandle{0},93349d7,false
03-12 13:35:26.735  3134  3134 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onWindowFocus:IDLE
03-12 13:35:26.735  3134  3134 D DecorView[Launcher]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true
03-12 13:35:26.736  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.739  5486  5486 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3178
03-12 13:35:26.740  5486  5486 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2076 checkRepeatedly = false, unlocked = true
03-12 13:35:26.741  5486  5486 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1884 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.miui.home fieldId=2131361969 fieldName=null extras=null}, false)
03-12 13:35:26.741  5486  5486 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2076 checkRepeatedly = true, unlocked = true
03-12 13:35:26.753  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.768  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.785  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.801  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.810  3134  3200 D StatusBarController: handleMessage: flag 800000  disable false
03-12 13:35:26.810  3134  3134 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false
03-12 13:35:26.817  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.836  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.851  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.868  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.883  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.900  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.910  3134  3295 E Launcher.Transfer: transfer is closed
03-12 13:35:26.917  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.931  1099  1691 D DisplayFeatureHal: get frame stat: 61
03-12 13:35:26.933  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.939  3038  3427 D MI_RIL_OEM_HOOK: onPkHookCommonMsg, msg_id = 65
03-12 13:35:26.939  3038  3427 D MI_RIL_OEM_HOOK: onGetHookMsgBytes, HOOK_HEAD_SIZE = 16, msg_len = 4
03-12 13:35:26.939  3038  3427 D MI_RIL_OEM_HOOK: onHookSendSync, phoneId = 0
03-12 13:35:26.940  3005  3005 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 1
03-12 13:35:26.940  3005  3005 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [0]invokeOemRilRequestRaw: serial=7125 length=36
03-12 13:35:26.950  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.966  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.979  1771  1771 D XIAOMI_QCRIL: RIL[lib][xiaomi_extend_nvefs.c:52] xiaomi_qmi_result_map: xiaomi_qmi_result_map, old_result 0, new_result 0
03-12 13:35:26.980  3005  3273 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [0]processOemHookResponse serial no: 7125 error: 0length=16
03-12 13:35:26.980  3005  3005 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 2
03-12 13:35:26.980  3038  3427 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = 16
03-12 13:35:26.980  3038  3427 D ModemSarController_8250: type = 65, len = 4, value = 0
03-12 13:35:26.983  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:26.999  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.016  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.033  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.049  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.065  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.081  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.098  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.114  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.131  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.143  2030  2060 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{9e6c7a4 u0 t-1 f}}
03-12 13:35:27.149  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.155  5240  5985 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 31468430
03-12 13:35:27.156  4436  4436 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
03-12 13:35:27.156  3007  3007 D QtiCarrierConfigHelper: WARNING, no carrier configs on phone Id: 1
03-12 13:35:27.157  5240  5908 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 24, status = 2, level = 24, plug = 2, scale = 100
03-12 13:35:27.157  4436  4436 I PowerNoticeUI: handleBatteryChanged oldPlugType 2 mPlugType 2 oldBatteryLevel 24 mBatteryLevel 24 temperature 370
03-12 13:35:27.157  3038  3038 D DynamicSarService_8250:  ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED change,USB plug = 2
03-12 13:35:27.157  5240  5963 D PowerKeeper.Thermal: mBatteryTemperature: 37
03-12 13:35:27.157  2030  2765 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.micharge@1.0::IMiCharge/default
03-12 13:35:27.157  3038  3038 D DynamicService:  ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED change,USB plug = 2
03-12 13:35:27.157  1106  1135 E vendor.xiaomi.hardware.micharge@1.0-service: Failed to open node /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/reverse_chg_mode
03-12 13:35:27.157  1106  1135 I vendor.xiaomi.hardware.micharge@1.0-service: ReadFilePathValue path = /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/reverse_chg_mode value =
03-12 13:35:27.158  3026  3026 V DeviceStatisticsService: chargerType=2 batteryLevel=24 totalBatteryCapacity=4102800
03-12 13:35:27.158  3026  3026 D DeviceInfoHidlClient: isRadioOn()=true
03-12 13:35:27.158  3026  3026 I DeviceInfoHidlClient: isPowerInfoNeverSent=false batteryLevel=24 batteryLevelIndex=1 chargingMode=2 totalCapacity=4102800 powerSaveMode=false
03-12 13:35:27.158  2030  2765 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.micharge@1.0::IMiCharge/default
03-12 13:35:27.158  1106  1135 I vendor.xiaomi.hardware.micharge@1.0-service: ReadFilePathValue path = /sys/class/power_supply/bms/fastcharge_mode value = 0
03-12 13:35:27.164  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.181  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.197  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.214  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.231  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.247  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.263  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.280  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.297  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.313  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.329  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.346  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:27.347  2846  2893 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET  x: 1.0  y: 0.0
03-12 13:35:28.017 14824 14844 D AutoInstallService: onForegroundInfoChanged:
03-12 13:35:28.018 14824 14843 D AutoInstallService: onForegroundInfoChanged: com.miui.home
03-12 13:35:28.045  1072  1122 E ANDR-PERF-UTIL: Failed to update node /proc/25670/sched_boost with value 0
03-12 13:35:28.045  1072  1122 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: can't reset task 25670
03-12 13:35:28.045  1072  1122 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to reset optimization [3, 32]
03-12 13:35:28.096  1049 25472 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_event_cb:489, event[0] sensor:device_orient  Wakeup msg_id=776, ts=745028450818
03-12 13:35:28.486  1099  1691 D DisplayFeatureHal: get frame stat: 50