Stable 7.3+root?


22 Jul 2014
Hi guys, I am looking for an affordable rom with a decent battery life... Actually with the last dev roms by I am getting only 4 hours screen. Do you know if stable 7.3 will be better? Is it offering the chance to get root, and if so which version of supersu do I have to use? Thanks

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Hello @walterwhite82,

Did you get a ROM with a decent battery life?

I was thinking to move to 7.3 (actually I'm running MIUISmoke and I only have around 4h of screen). Also other people tell me BDita is another good one, but I didn't try it yet.

Actually, 7.5 is the last one. Don't know how the battery life is though. What do you mean by good battery life? When the screen is on and the CPU is not idle, you're going to consume the battery faster. In my experience, MIUI is quite good when it comes to battery life. It can stay in standby for days before it starts shouting for juice. My tip is to remove Google Search. There's no scenario where that app didn't suck the life out of every android device I had.