USB Mass Storage - How to enable it ?


1 Nov 2011
Hello all

I'm back on MiUI and very happyfor this ! and so is my GS2 :)
As i used another ROM for a few months i'm no more used to the new menus -screens...
Let me explain you my issue:
I would like to be able to access my SDs content using Windows Explorer. But when i plug the cable, i see only MTP and Camera.
I went in Storage > tried both options (charge only and mount). doesn't change anything...

can anyone help me ?

thanks :)
decompile framework-res navigate to res/xml/storage_list.xml

and this red highlight line
<storage android:mountPoint="/storage/sdcard0" android:storageDescription="@string/storage_sd_card" android:primary="true" android:removable="true" android:allowMassStorage="true" android:maxFileSize="4096" />

and add or replace this line in build prop

sandy can you explain with more procedure how to do it ?
would love to apply it ^_^

Thanks :)
Hey guys, I dont know whether still you are guys are facing the same problem or not. Well i found a method to resolve the problem :) I hope it will help you guys. :)

****To enable USB Mass Storage mode****
1) Make sure your phone is rooted. This is for rooted phones only.
2) Download Terminal Emulator from google play.
3) Open Terminal Emulator run the below commands (press enter after each lines):
setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb

4) Reboot the phone.
After the phone reboots, plug in the USB cable and notice it now says 'USB connected'.

****To revert back to MTP mode****
1) Make sure your phone is rooted. This is for rooted phones only.
2) Download Terminal Emulator from google play.
3) Open Terminal Emulator run the below commands (press enter after each lines):

setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb

4) Reboot the phone.
After the phone reboots, plug in the USB cable and notice it now says 'MTP connected'.
Hope it help you guys.. Cheers! Have a nice day!
I have the problem that it randomly exports my internal storage, and sometimes also the SD card.

Mostly the first time when I connect it, I see the internal storage. The second or the 3th time, I can also mount the SD card...
Hey guys, I dont know whether still you are guys are facing the same problem or not. Well i found a method to resolve the problem :) I hope it will help you guys. :)

****To enable USB Mass Storage mode****
1) Make sure your phone is rooted. This is for rooted phones only.
2) Download Terminal Emulator from google play.
3) Open Terminal Emulator run the below commands (press enter after each lines):
setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb

4) Reboot the phone.
After the phone reboots, plug in the USB cable and notice it now says 'USB connected'.

****To revert back to MTP mode****
1) Make sure your phone is rooted. This is for rooted phones only.
2) Download Terminal Emulator from google play.
3) Open Terminal Emulator run the below commands (press enter after each lines):

setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb

4) Reboot the phone.
After the phone reboots, plug in the USB cable and notice it now says 'MTP connected'.
Hope it help you guys.. Cheers! Have a nice day!

This is not working on my Mi2s, at least on 4.1.24 ;)
Is there any new way to enable mass storage mode ?