Xiaomi 14 Ultra is unable to update (Global)


23 Apr 2021
I recently got a Xiaomi 14 Ultra Global version however I am unable to update using the updater app or the Mi Assistant tool
When using the Assistant tool the update begins and gets to 4.99% where it will stop and the phone will eventually reboot and not update

When I download either the OTA or the full rom with the updater app it fails at extracting.
I have even manually downloaded the rom verified the archive is valid copied it and tried installing it using the advanced options in updater.
I enabled logcat and am getting error code -7 from updater which I am unable to find any information on.

 2024-09-11 18:23:14.877 21273-21273 XBaseDownloadActivity   com.android.updater                  E  install error code: -7

I have tried factory resetting and then updating again but am still getting the same issue.
Have I been scammed and this isn't actually a global device? The device is locked/secured so I am not sure how that would be possible?

I would like to have the bootloader locked however would my best bet be unlocking it and installing a fastboot ROM then locking it again? I am just scared that it'll brick if I do it if it's not really a global device.
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More log cat attached (I can't post it because it's flagged as spam)


  • updatelog.txt
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Welp I guess I am screwed.
How the hell can they install a global rom and lock the boot loader on a CN device?!?


  • Screenshot_2024-09-11-20-29-54-773_com.android.chrome.jpg
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The rom has been modified.
The only solution for you is to flash a Cn rom (edl mode) not free, then use a third party paid service for unlocking.
Ah crap so I can't even unlock and install the xiaomi.eu rom or even the original CN rom :(
The pricks want a 20% restocking fee they made no mention of it having a hacked global rom :(
I couldn't use mi assistant to flash the CN rom could I or would that likely brick the device?
There is nothing you can do except what I wrote above, any attempts will fail or brick your device.
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