[rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

@sebsch1991 in my mi2s I unmounted all the partitions before flash (and the .zip file was in /tmp folder) and I had no problems installing Miui v7 (only the italian translations bugs), my dad had problems. I also tried to editing the file updater-script but nothing...
I think this topic deserves a better place in xiaomi.eu forum, not just an unpinned topic in Mi2 subforum
Feel free to spread it all over the world :) ^^ ..

I was thinking the same, but didnt find any good place...

@sebsch1991 in my mi2s I unmounted all the partitions before flash (and the .zip file was in /tmp folder) and I had no problems installing Miui v7 (only the italian translations bugs), my dad had problems. I also tried to editing the file updater-script but nothing...

What do you mean with "problems" ? Just download and install with Miui Updater App ( or stock Mi-Recovery )
Hi, may need some assistance, flashed this rom with cwm. No errors but now I'm stuck at agree to terms and conditions. I press agree and the process fc and I'm back at agree to terms again.
Thinking that I need to reflash but now I have mirecovery and the file on the phone is not named update.zip
Any ideas to rename the file or maybe try and use miflash?
great work man, cheers

btw i got bugs with aries 5.9.10 build, i try update from 5.9.2 Q4BT9C to 5.9.10 CWEXZG > flash it > open setting > font got FC (because i want to change to XS size). So i try again with wipe cache & user data > flash it again > now stuck with aggrement screen, when i click got FC (com.android.provision...). So i try to baked again, i hope it goes well
Feel free to spread it all over the world :) ^^ ..

I was thinking the same, but didnt find any good place...

What do you mean with "problems" ? Just download and install with Miui Updater App ( or stock Mi-Recovery )

With "problems" I mean that miui doesn't start.

Now he hasn't miui (he have cm12.1) or MiRecovery (he have TWRP), so I can't flash miui.
I can't download fastboot roms (or MiPcSuite rom) because the download stops.

Can you add an option for support TWRP/CWM recoveries if you know how to do this?
@wojtasemaj open launcher menu (gesticulation merge two fingers) ... select wallpaper ... select what you want .. .. apply (home screen or lock screen or both) .. I confirm that works (stock gallery app frozen by TiB).
@sebsch1991 .. Cheers!
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I tried to cook a mi2s version with checked "Disable VolumeControl Sound" but it doesn't work: the "beep" is already present.