Transition From Miui 7 To Miui 8: Battery Drain & Push Notifications Problems


15 Feb 2016
Couple of days ago i moved from EU xiaomi.eu_multi_libra_6.4.21_v7-5.1 to xiaomi.eu_multi_MI4c_6.8.25_v8-5.1. I am still getting used to MIUI 8 and I have some problems and I am hoping that you guys will be able to help me.

My phone is Xiaomi MI4C.

Battery problem

Is there any general tutorial on how to get as much as possible battery life on MIUI 8?

My battery life is very poor. Here are some screenshots:





As you can notice, I got only 2 hours and 30 minutes of SoT and 15 hours of battery (with 20% left) with a pretty light use of my phone. Sync was enabled the whole time and I was either connected via Wireless or via mobile data during whole day. Gmail, Viber and Greenify are locked in tray and I use AdAway.

These are the apps which I froze using the Titanium Backup:



Am I maybe mistaken and this is a normal battery life? I use the Elegance theme and Smart Launcher Pro, maybe these have some effect on short battery life?

Are there any general recommendations on what to do in order to improve battery life and get more SoT? Some new security and battery features are really confusing me.

1. Should I enable or disable Battery saver? How much effect does it have on battery life? If I enable it, it automatically disables sync and probably lot of other things I even dont know about.

2. Should I choose ON or OFF for Power saving modes? How much effect does it have on battery life?

I will gladly accept any advice :)

Push notifications problems

While everything worked as a charm on MIUI 7, I have some big problems on MIUI 8 with Gmail and Viber notifications.

When I receive an e-mail, sometimes I get a notification on my mobile phone right away, and sometimes I dont get it for an hour (I have enabled Lock screen notifications for Gmail in Settings). I am aware that if I enable Power saving mode, I need to manually add permitions to Gmail, but do I need to do for any other Google app in order to get notification instantly every time I receive a new e-mail? Should I choose No restrictions or Restrict background apps? Also, Im not sure if it matters if Im connected via Wireless or via mobile data, but I have disabled syncing on WLAN only and in Google settings > Data management I have selected to Update Drive-enabled app files both Over Wi-FI or Cellular. Does anyone know what is the reason that I still sometimes dont get notification about new e-mail instanly?

Same thing with Viber. When my screen is locked, sometimes I get both sound notification and pulsating notification light, but sometimes there is no sound, only notification light?!? I have also set all the options as for Gmail. Anyone has any advice?
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Push notifications problems
Security app>Permissions>Autostart>enable aurostart for every app you want instant notifications.
Security app>Permissions>Other permissions>enable Display pop-up window for every app you want instant notifications.
Settings>Battery & performance>Manage apps battery usage>Choose apps>Select your app>No restrictions
(Recent app menu>pull app down to lock in memory)
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Reactions: Mr.Tokich
Security app>Permissions>Autostart>enable aurostart for every app you want instant notifications.
Security app>Permissions>Other permissions>enable Display pop-up window for every app you want instant notifications.
Settings>Battery & performance>Manage apps battery usage>Choose apps>Select your app>No restrictions
(Recent app menu>pull app down to lock in memory)

Thx, but all of that was already enabled :)
Battery life - Day 2

Battery saver > OFF

Power saving mode > ON > Custom permissions for Gmail and Viber.

I plugged it off charger around 1 AM at 100%, around 7-8 hours later it was on 97%, mostly used by Google Play services (I dont know why, because I didnt even open Google play) and WLAN. During the day I used it lightly, some Viber messaging, 2-3 calls, couple of photos, a bit of Gmail, a bit of Internet. The whole day I was connected to the internet via WLAN or via mobile data. At 11 PM (after 22 hours of use) and 2 hours and 30 minutes of SoT, the battery was at 19%. Is that normal? To me it seems that its not good battery life, on MIUI 7 I got at least day and a half with this usage.

Here are the screenshots:





So, after I charged the battery to 100% during the night, I unplugged it from charger and 3 hours later (without me even touching the phone) it was on 98%, again with big usage of Google play services and WLAN:

