Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

3 Jan 2017
Boa noite a todos eu estou em apuros com o meu xiaomi Mi 5 ontem eu fui para instalar a rom
[OFICIAL] [7.1.1] Ressurreição Remix v5.8.1 [OMS] [VoLTE]
e quando eu conectar o wi-fi simplesmente não conectar diz get endereço IP e não que eu já tenha instalado o rom fonte e nada já mudou Para estático e Nada eu estou desesperado Eu não sei o que fazer Eu já redefinir o roteador que eu já chamado toHello meu provedor de serviços tentou tudo e nada ninguém me ajudar por favor.


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EN - I have two notes:
1) The official languange of this forum is English.
2) This forum is about Xiaomi.eu own ROMs and general help, not to help with a ROM that is from other developers.

PT - Tenho duas notas:
1) A língua oficial deste fórum é o Inglês;
2) Este fórum é sobre as ROMs Xiaomi.eu e ajuda genérica, e não para ajudar com ROMs externas ao fórum.
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What do you want to do?
1) Update your Xiaomi.eu ROM version;
2) Update to a more recent official Xiaomi version; or
3) Flash other ROM?

What is your knowledge level regarding: ROMs, fastboot, adb, etc...?
Thanks for the help but I have already done all these procedures and still the same I already installed via recovery twrp via fastboot adb, and nothing remains in the same trying to get the IP address but can not, I already contacted my service provider also did not solve anything , I do not know what else to do.
I recommend flashing a official ROM through the fastboot menu, after unlocking the bootloader.

If that does not solve your problem, go into the maintenance menu and search for Wifi.

Other thing is:
Did you tried to go into your router's administration page and search for MAC address requests?
Maybe you phone as difficulties with its MAC address on the Wifi antenna.
Bom dia Hitardo como já disse já fiz todos esses procedimentos, também já piscar a ROM oficial através do menu fastboot, meu operador de serviços já fez a reconfiguração dos parâmetros de fabrica na pagina de administração do rateador, e nada o telefone continua na mesma a procurar IP, e não consegue ligar, já não sei mais o que fazer.
Good morning Hitardo as I said I have already done all these procedures, also already flashing the official ROM through the fastboot menu, my service operator has already reconfigure the factory parameters on the rateator administration page, and nothing the phone remains in the same Look for IP, and can not connect, I no longer know what to do.
I understand.

Does your phone connect to another router?
Your friend's router, University router, etc...?
I have no idea how to solve this.

But, if a flash does not work, maybe it is a hardware problem and you should contact the reseller where you bought your device.
Hello Romão.
From where did you download that ROM? And what instructions/steps did you follow to flash it?
Hello Helder is talking about it [7.1.1] Resurrection Remix v5.8.1 [WHO] [VoLTE] Are you talking about this site, http://www.htcmania.com/showthread.php?t=1285152 Now the steps I used were the recommended ones via twrp I did all the
4-RECOMMENDED !!! Complete cleaning and resetting the factory and also verify the zip signature
Two questions:

1. When you flashed Resurection Remix did you flashed the firmware upfront or not?
2. I can see that now you are on Xiaomi.eu rom. Is it rooted or not? If yes, what SuperSu version have you used?
Two questions:

1. When you flashed Resurection Remix did you flashed the firmware upfront or not?
2. I can see that now you are on Xiaomi.eu rom. Is it rooted or not? If yes, what SuperSu version have you used?

I asked both same questions to Romão in PM earlier today (in Portuguese), no answer yet.
I think Romão might have misread/misunderstood some of the steps for the ROM.

I don't like to advertise other forums but for the sake of helping others in the future, I'll paste here what I suggested Romão:

Use Resurection Remix from XDA, and to stick to that set of instructions:


- Download the latest build
- Download Gapps (ARM64 7.1 Pico/Nano/Other)
- Take a nandroid backup
- Recommended - Full wipe and factory reset
- Flash Firmware (its required to flash before rom)
- Flash ROM using latest TWRP 3.x Recovery
- Flash Gapps
- Reboot.

After flashing GAPPS I add that if you want you can also clear cache/Dalvik.
Bom dia,

Eu resolvi graças a um utilizados no forum XDA-Developers. Alerto que comigo só resultou com um endreço MAC real (de um tablet antigo). Com um endereço MAC dos sites de criação não funcionava.

I had the same problem, same symptoms.
I too flashed a new ROM and couldn't connect to any AP, I tried various ROMS, MIUI 7 & 8 and CM 13 & 14.1.
Though I think I found a solution (it worked for me
). I simply changed my MAC-adress and I was able to connect to my home WiFi.

I'm running CM 14.1-2016225-NIGHTLY-gemini on MI5.

This is what I did to fix my WiFi:
First prepare an new MAC-address. I personally don't know when a MAC-address is considered valid, so I just took one from an other device. I used the mac address of my previous mobile phone, which could connect to my router.

1. Disable WiFi.
3. Enable debugger settings (Setting>about Phone>Press build number repeatedly).
2. Enable root (Develepor settings>root access set to "Apps and ADB").
3. Open the file manager app.
4. Give the file manager app root access (menu>Settings(cog in lower left corner)>General settings>Access mode set this on "Root Access mode").
5. Now find the file root/etc/firmware/wlan/qca_cld/ and open wlan_mac.bin.
You should see something similar to:

6. Change the first to your new MAC-address, but first write down the old one, so you can change it back if this method doesn't work for you.
The last X of the next line should be a digit higher than the previous line. E.g:

(This MAC-address most likely won't work).

7. Save the file. You might need to press the save button a few times.
8. Check if the file has changed.
9. Check if you MAC-address has changed (Settings>WiFI>Configure-WIFI(cog in right upper corner)).
10. Enable WiFi.

Do not despair I was in the same situation until I got it I will help you to solve the problem in my reach now tell me what the real problem of the phone?