How to update eu rom and where i will find update for my phone


25 Jan 2021
Hi im new here I don't know much about phones
I just wanna know How to update eu rom and where i will find update for my phone

Using mi note 10 lite

Sent from my Mi Note 10 Lite using Tapatalk

Download the new ROM by for your device (from SourceForge or AndroidFileHost) and install it in TWRP. Then wipe Dalvik/Cache after ROM installation and that's all. :)

EDIT: You can also use the Updater from the phone's settings ("My Device" => Tap on the "MIUI Version" tile) to search / download / install a ROM update. (TWRP still required for installing a ROM update)

The first boot after installating a ROM update is longer (10~15 minutes) and that's normal. ;)

Download the new ROM by for your device (from SourceForge or AndroidFileHost) and install it in TWRP. Then wipe Dalvik/Cache after ROM installation and that's all. :)

EDIT: You can also use the Updater from the phone's settings ("My Device" => Tap on the "MIUI Version" tile) to search / download / install a ROM update.

The first boot after installating a ROM update is longer (10~15 minutes) and that's normal. ;)
I try but can't find it

Sent from my Mi Note 10 Lite using Tapatalk