Hi. Could it turn out a problem if I uninstall the Realease Launcher and Install the Alpha one?
Tabares.R Members 7 May 2021 6 13 27 Aug 2021 #1 Hi. Could it turn out a problem if I uninstall the Realease Launcher and Install the Alpha one?
albertgarcesb Members 21 Jan 2021 7 15 5 Sep 2021 #2 Create a Launcher (Data) backup on Settings before installing Alpha. Attachments photo_2021-09-04_21-32-54.jpg 37.4 KB · Views: 221
Tabares.R Members 7 May 2021 6 13 6 Sep 2021 #3 AlbertGarces said: Create a Launcher (Data) backup on Settings before installing Alpha. Click to expand... Ok, thanks
AlbertGarces said: Create a Launcher (Data) backup on Settings before installing Alpha. Click to expand... Ok, thanks