Updating Android 11 to Android 12


17 Jan 2022
Hello, I have a question. I want to update my Mix 4 from Android 11 to 12. Unfortunately I don't know how to do that. I would be happy if someone had a tutorial. My Mix 4 is unlocked - Firmware Xiaomi.eu. I would be happy for a helping Hand. How can I find out if my Mix 4 has Fastboot or TWRP?
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Thank you for your quick response. The update app of my Mix 4 offers a new version: MIUI 12.5 V13.0.2.0.SKMCNXM. But I cant update, the Servers are offline.. Accordingly, I probably have TWRP. And this version includes Android 12?
It's not a TWRP ROM, it's a fastboot ROM.
Yes it's A12, OTA does not work because TWRP is not working for android 12. It's just update information.
You must apply the fastboot update.
My current version is 12.5.12 with Android 11. TWPR should still work with Android 11?! Or does that not matter, I still have to use the 'fastboot version?
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I already told you that the update is on android 12 (A12) with MIUI 13.
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If I would like to update TWRP version of MIUI 12.5 to MIUI 13 when TWRP version will be available, would I lose the data?
and if I update from android 11 (miui12.5.12) straight to Miui 13.0.8 do I lose my data or is this even possible ?
look here ....

Do I have to format (not wipe) Data in TWRP
You have to format (not wipe) data in TWRP
- if you install the xiaomi.eu rom for the first time
- if you change from weekly to stable (recommended)
- if you change from stable to weekly (recommended)
- you will loose your data -> make a backup
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