Unable to decrypt fbe device. I want to flash magisk android 11


25 Jan 2021
After updating to android 11 i successfully reflash twrp to install magisk but twrp not decrypting data as i have set the pin code.
Twrp not asking for pin code..
My device mi note 10 lite
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Dumb qustion here.
what if I didn't set any pin or pattern when I unlocked my phone ?

(I can no longer boot into the OS that ones was on it, nor can I boot into the new OS I have tried to install)

I am stuck in the endless boot loader, I can still get into fastboot and boot into Twrp.
I followed this guide
(under "---Flashing TWRP and ROOT---" # 14-15 _ gave me problems, since I didn't reboot back into a os, since twrp said there is no os to boot into)

I have a XIAOMI MI 10T PRO phone.
after I re-unlocked it, all the data got deleted, but I didn't set a new password/pin/pattern.

I wanted to install the Havoc os on my phone.

I got some red lines here and there from TWRP:
"twrp unable to decrypt fbe device"
"android failed to mount /odm"

Right now I am trying to set it back to stock os with these sites
- https://xiaomiflashtool.com/download/xiaomi-flash-tool-20210813
- https://xiaomistockrom.com/xiaomi-mi-10t-pro
- https://www.getdroidtips.com/guide-flash-miui-rom-xiaomi-devices/#Why-One-need-Xiaomi-Firmware

but the flashing tool is giving me a error, the dumb drivers don't install and my device is not showed on the list in the tool.
fastboot devices list my phone.

I'm stoping for today, going to bed now, I will be back tomorrow, where I will look into that link some more.