Stay on MiUI 14 or change to HyperOS 1.0


23 Dec 2023
Hi. Would need advise as I got 14 days more to able to unlock. And would like to use EU rom.

Should I flash to MiUI or HyperOS?
What are the pros and cons.

My unit is china hardware
13U here. I did notice camera color styles changes a lil bit and algorithm for portraits changed dramastically. I would suggest any heavy camera users to go hyperOS if current miui14 camera satisfies you. If you don't care about camera just go for it.
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Please explain 2 last sentences in different words because I don’t get it. Camera after update is better or worse?
Please explain 2 last sentences in different words because I don’t get it. Camera after update is better or worse?
Camera is worse unless you use manual mode religiously. Portrait shots in auto mode is where it went downhill. It just feels like the algorithm for auto mode is something new.
On 13Pro HyperOS is much better than MIUI, I would never switch back. Further android 14 has major security improvements
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Hello guys. I just received my Xiaomi 13 Ultra, chinese version with global rom installed (MIUI).
What version do you recommend flashing for a clean install? Can you provide me a step by step guide, please?