Recent content by 20mark

  1. 20mark

    Resolved Google wallet stopped working/Device doesn't meet security requirements

    Any solution for mi 11 ultra?
  2. 20mark

    Resolved Google wallet stopped working/Device doesn't meet security requirements

    So Just to clarify,I have mi 11 ultra on latest weekly (September), how can I fix Google pay?
  3. 20mark

    MIUI 14 23.1.3

    i don't know why, but i cant open the navigation app "sygic". i had this problem miui 13 with mi 11 ultra, but not i wanted to try miui 14 and i did a clean flash, still, sygic just...crash when opened. why? it's just me or someone else got this problem with sygic nav?
  4. 20mark

    New Xiaomi 11T Pro - Cast/Wireless Display not working.

    Same, cant't cast to android tv on latest .eu stable.
  5. 20mark

    Mi11U - Galaxy max hz wont work anymore

    Hello, i was using this app in the past months, working flawless. now after several weekly updates i completely forgot about it and did a check..well, galaxy max hz is not working anymore for me. im on latest 22.5.11 beta, already tried to delete app data, uninstall app and reboot and configure...
  6. 20mark

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    A12 broke wifi 5ghz speed on mi11U. With A11 miui 12.5 i got on speedtest 1100mbsec, with 160mhz and dfs channels. now with same configuration on A12 miui 13 beta i got 450mbps. in menu, wifi, connection speed is 1733mbps. i've read that xiaomi broke the 5ghz band and no one can do anything...
  7. 20mark

    Resolved Mi 11 miui 13.0.6/22.1.19 wifi 5ghz 149 chanel not working on

    I was scratching my head off until i casually found this thread. Mi11 ultra on 22.2.9, on A11 i reached 1100Mbps on wifi with 160mhz and dfs channels. After update to A12 i got 400Mbps and in wifi in connection speed i see 1733mhz. and i was thinking i did somthing wrong on the router, instead...