Mi11U - Galaxy max hz wont work anymore


2 Mar 2022
Hello, i was using this app in the past months, working flawless. now after several weekly updates i completely forgot about it and did a check..well, galaxy max hz is not working anymore for me. im on latest 22.5.11 beta, already tried to delete app data, uninstall app and reboot and configure galaxy max hz again with suggested settings, but when i do dumpsys display i always get 120hz.

PRIORITY_MIUI_REFRESH_RATE -> Vote{width=-1, height=-1, minRefreshRate=0.0, maxRefreshRate=120.0, disableRefreshRateSwitching=false, baseModeRefreshRate=0.0}
PRIORITY_USER_SETTING_PEAK_REFRESH_RATE -> Vote{width=-1, height=-1, minRefreshRate=0.0, maxRefreshRate=120.0, disableRefreshRateSwitching=false, baseModeRefreshRate=0.0}
PRIORITY_USER_SETTING_MIN_REFRESH_RATE -> Vote{width=-1, height=-1, minRefreshRate=0.0, maxRefreshRate=Infinity, disableRefreshRateSwitching=false, baseModeRefreshRate=0.0}

i've exluded the app from miui optimization, im on root so i gave root perms,still can't figure it out what prevents me to switch from 120hz to 60 when not touching screen.
my list of magisk modules is : magisk bootlop protector, rboard themes, systemless host and zygisk lsposed.
on AOD, using developer settings fps i see 30fps, but i know that's not true because dumpsys display says it's 120. Also tried different galaxy max Hz versions, hoping that going backwards will fix my issue but not getting any luck.