Recent content by adrisouto96

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    Global Rom Notification Style Port For / China Rom ( Developer & Stable )

    will this work on global stable rom for mi note 3 with twrp? thanks
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    MULTI 7.2.9

    Hi, is there any project to translate roms to Galician? I've seen a project to translate MIUI but it doesn`t belong to I'll be pleased to participate. Thanks
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    MULTI 6.5.12

    It enters Mi Recovery because when you reboot into system it automatically changes TWRP to MiRecovery. The way I solved it was installing it via fastboot and then booting into recovery.
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    MULTI 6.5.12

    Ok, the same happened to me. When you install TWRP via Fastboot mode, don't type "fastboot boot...". Just do Power + Vol Up.
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    MULTI 6.5.12

    You have to download the TWRP image After that you have two ways of installing it: 1- Via updater app. Move TWRP file to your internal storage. You have to enter updater app and then select choose update package, and yo select the TWRP image. 2-Via fastboot mode: Boot your Phone to Fastboot...
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    MULTI 6.5.12

    How's the battery drain for the RN3 hennessy?
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    MULTI 6.5.5

    Hi! If I'm on 6.4.21 and I want to change to stable How can I do it? Install via updater/recovery?Need any wipe apart from dalvik and cache? thanks
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    MULTI 6.4.7

    For all with the Recovery issue: Install it vía fastboot and don't reboot into system. When you want to get out of the fastboot mode, reboot into recovery (Vol Up+power). PD. In some tutorials they say you have to type "fastboot reboot", or "press any key to reboot". Don't. Reboot manually...
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    Unable To Install Twrp

    It happens the same to me. I'm unable to enter TWRP, it appears the usb screen. ¿How did you do? I don't understand how did you fixed it. Thanks
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    MULTI 6.4.7

    Please, help. I tried to install TWRP via fastboot and it says that it's correctly installed, but then it enters in MiRecovery.
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    MULTI 6.4.7

    Hi! Upgrading to 6.4.7 via updater app I lost the TWRP and so the root. ¿can anybody tell me what can I do now? RN3 MTK Thanks
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    MULTI 6.4.7

    Redmi Note 3. Hi! I installed the ROM when the recover issue wasn´t fixed, so now I don´t know what do I have to do to install it correctly or when the next weekly comes. Thanks
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    MULTI 6.4.7

    Is recovery issue fixed? Thanks.
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    MULTI 6.3.17

    Fingerprint and password settings FC on my Redmi Note 3. ¿Is it only me?
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    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    ¿Does anybody know if Beta Tester for RN3 MTK (hennessy) has already started? thanks