Recent content by egold70

  1. E

    MIUI 10 8.8.9

    No but they have almost identical hardware and share same rom(cancro)
  2. E

    MIUI 10 8.8.9

    No FC in my Mi4 for both my device and storage, all seems to be fine
  3. E

    MIUI 10 8.7.26

    If yes it`s device specific No such bug(normal text) in all my devices: Mi4 8.7.26, Redmi note 4 and Redmi note 5 global beta 8.7.26
  4. E

    MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

    Only on official roms the updater performs device reset when changing beta and stable While on one can usually dirty flash official recovery roms dated same or newer with minimal probability for misbehaviour. For sure nothing will be wiped if you do not wipe it in twrp
  5. E

    MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

    Yes, you can usually "dirty" flash same or newer global beta over .eu with updater or in twrp. Do take backups in case anything goes wrong. It will replace twrp with stock recovery, can be reflashed if you need it
  6. E

    Worth Change From Global Stable To Rom Eu

    Stable to beta/weekly no wipes required, usual "dirty" flash Beta to stable-data wipe required as you are flashing an older over newer build unless you have older beta and latest stable
  7. E

    MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

    Did you reboot to recovery(twrp) after data format? If not that`s what went wrong.
  8. E

    MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

    I`m using the status bar from AOSP dark, a good looking one IMO
  9. E

    MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

    Just download and apply some theme with 5 icons, no need for root
  10. E

    MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

    Was removed probably after several reports(including myself) of system crash and constant reboots
  11. E

    MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

    Mine is 9.5.3 and working fine, new style home page
  12. E

    MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

    This weekly for the very first time completely messed up my Mi4. After reboot seemed fine but several seconds later random FC`s started which caused system crash and recurrent reboots. Restored 8.4.12 backup(which wipes data and system) but still faced same reboots, flash again 8.4.12 did not...
  13. E

    MULTI 8.4.12

    No, only android base upgrade sometimes causes bootloader relock, even then it`s easy to unlock again in fastboot
  14. E

    MULTI 8.4.12

    Nothing if your bootloader is officially unlocked, use clean all(best option) and not clean+lock Everything will be wiped so make necessary backups
  15. E

    MULTI 8.3.15

    Everything is working fine on RN4 mido. Flashed global systemUI port and camera2 patch thanks to @Soebianto *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* is fully functionall, Thanks a lot On redmi 3s also no problems