Recent content by ggkameleon

  1. G

    Return to stable for warranty

    Hi ! Thank you I don't remember the error code, but use this "" and great it work. But I think : It's the .tgz on Windows when unarchive it always another file .gz and do unarchive it again. I have a mac os x and unarchive it...
  2. G

    Return to stable for warranty

    Hi ! I can't flash it with mi flash ??? I have download 3 mi flash and the last 2020 and the fastboot firmware (always .tgz) and decompress it and chosse "clean all & clock" but always error !? I have stay on Fastboot mod and can restart on OrangeFox I format data and flash Global rom and work...
  3. G

    Have you changed the battery on xiaomi mi 8

    Yes change it and new smartphone can use all the day. but be very careful when replacing the new battery.
  4. G

    Return to stable for warranty

    Hi ! I'm on miui 12 stable eu rom and want to global rom and after lock BL. But stable are on Miui 11 I just do format data and flash miui 11 global firmware ? And after with miflash flash stock recovery & lock it ? my mi 8 is still guaranteed and i will try to enforce the guarantee. but for...
  5. G

    Which one to choose ?

    Hi ! I like so much the xiaomi eu rom and I've broken my mi 8 dipper and I'm so sad. I do buy a new xiaomi but went advice I don't know which one to choose ? My budget 300€ The mi 9T pro reconditioned as new The mi note 10 light new (black friday) Or the mi 10 ligt 5g Thanks
  6. G

    New Kill background App's

    Hi on the last stable mi 8 Dipper 10.0.3 when kill all App's on background recent not kill all !? Thanks
  7. G

    MIUI 12.3 20.11.11/12

    Great thank you for link. Have a good day. Think more want it.
  8. G

    System launcher

    Thanks very
  9. G

    System launcher

    Hi ! It is possible to have the last MiuiHome apk on the last beta Xiaomi eu rom ? Because had new recent ui ?
  10. G

    MIUI 12.3 20.11.11/12

    Hi ! Someone can send me the new MiuiHome apk file as on Root/System/Priv-App/MiuiHome please for have "New - You can arrange items on Recents vertically or horizontally now" because my mi 8 don't Have beta update now Thanks
  11. G


    Thanks for mi 8 all work fine. But what new on 10.0.3 ? Change log. On 10.0.2 same what new !? Just loose floating Window for youtube work before on 10.0.1. Thanks dev for update work very well
  12. G

    Mi launcher with New Récent

    Please Dev of when you have this new Recent UI please can you send the MiuiHome.apk or Update the Stable Miui 12 Stable for Mi 8 Dipper thanks
  13. G

    Mi launcher with New Récent

  14. G

    Mi launcher with New Récent

    I have a solution make a magisk with the last MIUI_Launcher_ALPHA_V4.22.0.2470-11021839 workmore fine. And install with play store the last App vault 12.6.5 and force closed Miui launcher And they hadn't Google feed but new global vault with news too. Or Stay Xiaomi eu rom make it on next update