Recent content by hotdogg

  1. H

    MULTI 8.3.15

    Hey Guys, is it possible to get 3rd Party Lockscreen or Notification Tools like floatify get working after the oreo UPdate ion the mi6? :(
  2. H

    MULTI 6.10.20

    I did already but it didnt work ...
  3. H

    MULTI 6.10.20

    The Problem is obviously that this Version defines persistant notifcations from Avast for example as a normal notification
  4. H

    MULTI 6.10.20

    My Notification LEd is constantly blinking, although there is no new notification ..... mi5 Dev Rom
  5. H

    MULTI 6.9.29

    Hello guys since 6.9.22 on my MI5 i have got the problem, that an app cant stat antoher app. For examplewhe you have got two browsers und you have to selct one after klicking on a link , the selscted App doenst start. i have an notification Tolll for lockscreen notifications and it does not...
  6. H

    Miui 8 Second Space - Battery Usage?

    Anyone some expereinces? Thanks!
  7. H

    Miui 8 Second Space - Battery Usage?

    Hello Guys, i wondered if the second Space Feature in Miui8 causes more Battery Drain? Are the Processes rinning twice in that Moment? Thanks :)
  8. H

    MULTI 6.7.28

    Same here! How do u go back to the previous Version? Via BAckup oder TWRP Reinstall the old Version?
  9. H

    MULTI 6.7.28

    Ok Thanks. Lets hope that it will be fixed tonight :) Did 6.7.21 worked fine?
  10. H

    MULTI 6.7.28

    Hello Guys, i have an MI5 now with installed Xiaomi DEv ROm 6.7.28. Does anyone have Problems with Notification/ Push too? On my mi4c everything works fine.
  11. H

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    thx, than lets wait for the next updat ;)
  12. H

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    maybe a problem on the mi4c rom?
  13. H

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    Strange i dont have the three circles on my mi4c... t is shown 1 second and than disappears...
  14. H

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    Hello guys, are the filters in the camera app gone in miui8? :(
  15. H

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    After 2 reboots now it works. Where are the battery Profiles gone?