Recent content by laumik

  1. L


    good morning I purchased redmi Notes 2 Hermes I can set up your stable rom "" with my recovery? what are the procedures?
  2. L


    good morning I purchased redmi Notes 2 Hermes I can set up your stable rom "" with my recovery? what are the procedures?
  3. L

    Ota Updates Not Working

    so more and download the ROM from ?
  4. L

    Ota Updates Not Working

    in contrast to what he says stefano131260?
  5. L

    Ota Updates Not Working

    Goodmorning everyone so you're saying that by installing this ROM will not need to download the ROM from . will the update to warn Aplications . I hope you understand
  6. L

    Ota Updates Not Working

  7. L

    Update Twrp

    if flashify use is the same thing ?
  8. L

    Update Twrp

    I can directly install the TWRP 3.0 recovery image (update ) of 2.0.1 MI - recovery for redmi Notes 2 renaming the TWRP image in 3.0
  9. L

    Update New Rom

  10. L

    Update New Rom

    Goodmorning everyone. I purchased a redmi notes 2 with a stable ROM version and version Android 5.0.2 LRX22G and I would go to the last version 8 miui considered the improvements occurred . I downloaded the latest version and tried to install it but I did not succeed (update failed to...
  11. L

    Link For Redmi Note 2

    thank you
  12. L

    Link For Redmi Note 2

    where there is update to version 8 weekly for miui redmi Notes 2 hermes ?
  13. L

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    It works with redmi Notes 2 ? funziona con redmi note 2?
  14. L

    MULTI 6.5.26 (Final)

    the application message to me offline even if it is enabled su redmi note 2 L'applicazione messaggio comunica che non è in linea. Eppure è abilitato. Nel centro messaggi il numero del telefono c'è
  15. L

    MULTI 6.5.26 (Final)

    Grazie ho scaricato la weekly funziona tutto per il momento