Recent content by le_zurdo

  1. le_zurdo

    MIUI 10 Stable - RN4X

    Maybe it will take one or two months more to get stable releases, maybe more. However, probably no one here will be able to give you an official release date, all assumptions are considering the estimate times between stable releases and the time of the year when Miui 9 was released past year
  2. le_zurdo

    MULTI 8.1.4

    I suppose Xiaomi does not have enough man power to work on both versions at the same time (Nougat and Oreo) for said devices or is not one of their top priorities.
  3. le_zurdo

    MULTI 8.1.4

    Welcome to the world of forums o_O
  4. le_zurdo

    MULTI 8.1.4

    Some users are reporting that the XIaomi account issue is fixed now. Is there any way to test it when not currently in a Miui rom?
  5. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.12.14

    Yes you can becoming a translator :D
  6. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.12.14

    Because software development still is not an exact science. And developers have no way to foresee each possible scenario and each possible device where a feature can go wrong. Also, with each feature complexity to debug increases because you have to test that feature with all you scenarios and...
  7. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.12.14

    You are right. Just checked and it also happens on Note 4 Mido. Also with modified DPI to 440
  8. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.12.7

    Yeah. EOL means End of Life
  9. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.12.7

    You should ask that in Miui forums. Android 7 for Nikel will be released when it is launched in China developer rom.
  10. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.11.30

    Any phone will remind you of voicemail until you check and listem them in your mailbox. At least that's how it works in Android phones with my carrier in Mexico.
  11. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.11.30

    Seems like a not so good reason to me. The implementation is still a bit buggy, and without being a developer, I'm pretty sure there are many others advantages to choose China rom over global. Also probably the notification shade will eventually be implemented in China rom too and...
  12. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.11.23

    Really? I didn't find it in any changelog for China rom. Although I saw them in the bug reports created by ingbrzy
  13. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.11.23

    I don't think so. Notification shade has been announced for global rom only at the moment, And even in Global rom, it has't arrived yet
  14. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.11.23

    That's easy, first check the table in Page 1 of this thread So yes, you need HM4x Rom. Then you check in SourceForge or Android File Host in the stable releases folder And that's it!! You had the correct ROM name from the begining :D
  15. le_zurdo

    MULTI 7.11.23

    That's correct, it is Santoni