Recent content by nabil.salamehco

  1. N

    MIUI 10 8.12.20

    Anybody can help Flashing ROM on MI PAD 4 PLUS ... Cannot flash TWRP ... Any Hints or an EASIER way to Intall this EUROPE ROM ???
  2. N

    MIUI 10 8.12.20

    @ingbrzy can you please help ... Trying to root MI PAD 4 Plus flashing twrp it gives error REQUEST DOWNLOAD SIZE is more than Max Allowed ... and Sometimes it says not allowed in lock state although it is already unlocked ??? Any Help Please
  3. N

    MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

    @ingbrzy What is Happening ??? Latest Models are being Suspended and if Released do backup incase of BOOTLOOP !!!! Is this REAL, Last week I posted that MIUI started to go BACKWARD after being the TOP OS. Even is not the same as BEFORE. Will plan to QUIT Buying Xiaomi Devices because...
  4. N

    MULTI 8.4.19

    @ingbrzy ... another question ??? what happened to MARK HUK ??? He left MIUI ... now I remember him
  5. N

    MULTI 8.4.19

    @ingbrzy and others ... It seems 2018 is the Worst Year for MIUI ... I never saw that number of bugs and devices suspended. If you check OnePlus OOS which is new compared to MiUi "I knew since it was a Software Only and we flash it on other devices" ... Now OOS is too STABLE, FAST, and EASY...
  6. N

    MULTI 8.4.12

    I cannot find MIX 2 is it the SAME as MIX 2S !!!! I searched in Both LINKS
  7. N

    MULTI 7.9.14/15

    @ingbrzy why eol for Mi PAD 3 ... it is the newest for the PADS ... Better to think more about it ... Its a Good Device and Lots of People buying it ... Try to Change your Mind and KEEP it ... Regards
  8. N

    MULTI 7.8.17

    Mi Note Pro "leo" WiFi not working stays off
  9. N

    MULTI 7.8.17

    Mi Note Pro Wifi not Working ... Cannot turn it on ... It goes Directly off
  10. N

    Official Twrp Touch Screen Issue

    Anybody has a fix for TWRP for Natrium ?? "Touch Screen Bug" ?? Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalk
  11. N

    MULTI 7.3.9

    @ingbrzy Why Optimize System Performance disppeared from Setting ??? How can we edit Enable or Disable System Animations ?? Please Reply
  12. N

    MULTI 7.2.9

    @ingbrzy Leo Mi Note Pro Cannot Boot Recovery TWRP FAILED (remote: dtb not found) I cannot enter TWRP Any Help Please ???
  13. N

    Fingerprint Scanner Doesn't Work After Reboot (after Initial Login)

    Format Data yes Then Flash Europe Rom Then Wipe Cache & Dalvik Cache & Your Done No more Issues Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalk
  14. N

    MULTI 7.1.19/20

    How can we upgrade mi cloud 5gb is nothing for a mobile with 128GB Rom Via Paypal I tried but there is no paypal Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalk
  15. N

    Fingerprint Scanner Doesn't Work After Reboot (after Initial Login)

    When You restart your Mobile Its Obligatory to run first time with your pattern , pin, or password Once Then the Fingerprint will work thereafter. Only if you Restart or Power Off - On you Mi5s. Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalk