Recent content by tealc_hr

  1. tealc_hr

    Help With Flashing New Rom.

    Hi, I just upgraded mi4c 32gb. First unlock BL with Xiaomi unlock. Then upgrade twrp to via fastboot. Upgrade via three dots, it only started twrp!? Then I wiped dalvik/cache and press install latest stable manually. Wait for 10 minutes and voila... I think its crucial to unlock BL...
  2. tealc_hr

    MULTI 6.12.15

    Well, I agree with thoose facts. I had a wonderful experience here with and mi4c last 14 months (except battery drain on first miui8 roms). As native (Croatian) language is not cruicial for me, I will try to stick with on mi5 for now. Ohh...and their zilion 'thanks' posts...
  3. tealc_hr

    MULTI 6.12.15

    Call me stupid, but could someone enlighten me what is the reason to go for on MI5? We have a pretty good en.muiu choice of global stable / global beta / china stable / china dev... and even OTA. I just switched from mi4c. On mi4c obvious reason to use was absence of global...
  4. tealc_hr

    Mi4c Battery Drop After Reboot

    This difference is present since MIUI8. I know it very well, cause I switched between MIUI 7 & 8 few times cause first 8's were too much battery hungry. Battery calibration helps a little bit, but not 100%
  5. tealc_hr

    Mi4c Issues After 14 Months ?

    Hi! I was a proud owner of mi4c 3/32gb from 10/2015 until few days ago when my new mi5pro arrived. Of course, I was using roms. Nevertheless, I gave 3/32gb to SWMBO and put her 2/16gb mi4c bought in February to sale. Yesterday, first the screen went of on her work close to noon. I was...
  6. tealc_hr

    Most Stable/compatible English Rom For My Mi4c 3gb/32gb

    You mean 6.10.13? How much sot and standby You get? Poslano sa mog Mi-4c koristeći Tapatalk
  7. tealc_hr

    MULTI 6.9.29

    Mi4c owners info: I just restored stable backup. Came from 6.9.29. What a battery staminaaaa! Battery lasts at least 40% more! 6.9.1 was good, a reason I returned to miui8 again, but every later update was worse so I left it again. Whole day of office work, bunch of a voice calls...
  8. tealc_hr

    MULTI 6.9.8/9

    I'm talking about mi4c. Business use with both Sims active, calls, bt (car+mi band), Wi-Fi, gps, sync 2 mail acc + Gmail etc.... Normal phone use, not lab or tweaked high sot use. For 3100mAh and 24h......hey?! I'm satisfied. Poslano sa mog Mi-4c koristeći Tapatalk
  9. tealc_hr

    MULTI 6.9.8/9 and are tight, should be lab tested :-) For me personally it felt like was using a bit more juice in standby (not using device) than Eitherway, I Will stick with this version (6.9.8). Not as good as 7, but improved quite a bit. Most importaint, it can last a...
  10. tealc_hr

    MULTI 6.9.8/9

    Simple, miui7 - has the best battery so far, unbeatable. And I tested at least 20 releases from stable 7.x.x.x to 8.x.x.x to dev 6.x.x. With this 6.9.8./9 I have a feeling it's the best battery time I ever had with miui8. was draining battery 30% more than last stable miui7...
  11. tealc_hr

    MULTI 6.9.8/9

    Just to report, I gave a chance to MIUI8 this week. Upgraded from MIUI 7 stable due to battery time. I am surprised. Yesterday, after 17 hours of barely using the phone (few voice calls, less than 1h SOT) battery was 50%. No heating, when not touching the phone, standby drain 2% per...
  12. tealc_hr

    MULTI 6.8.25

    What a mistake to make ha ha... I installed miui8 again, this time stable. From to on mi4c: - 1h 44min sot - 1h voice calls - 14h on battery 18% left... Again battery cut almost -50% :-( Any mi4c battery feedback from developer version before I revert back to Poslano...
  13. tealc_hr

    MULTI 6.8.18

    For all: Mi4c best battery, low heating with no tuning: stable stable stable In this order, first one is best. Sot 3-4-5h guaranteed. Maybe you Will get 6 hours without sim, wlan and in dark place like others do. In normal use mi4c can get 24h with voice calls or (not...
  14. tealc_hr

    Best Battery Life??

    Take a look at screenshot, all enabled, bt, Wi-Fi, data, voice calls, syncs, mi sync, ALL, no optimizations: Mi4c @ stable Poslano sa mog Mi-4c koristeći Tapatalk
  15. tealc_hr

    Developer Rom With Best Battery Life

    Regarding best battery rom: Take a look at screenshot, all enabled, bt, Wi-Fi, data, voice calls, syncs, mi sync, ALL, no optimizations: Mi4c @ stable Poslano sa mog Mi-4c koristeći Tapatalk