Recent content by zgfg12

  1. Z

    Play Integrity Fix and Wallet issues

    Anyway, the game is going to change by May '25 The meets-device-integrity device recognition verdict is an indication that the device the app is running on is a genuine Play Protect certified Android-powered device. This verdict...
  2. Z

    Play Integrity Fix and Wallet issues

    Always keep an eye when the new Xiaomi Eu Injector Module is released and install. Every time when Play Integrity stops passing, install the newest Injector
  3. Z

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Thanks, I have had downloaded v1.0.5 already, however V1.0.6 was released in the meantime Hope that it works smooth and fine (v14 served me for almost a year perfectly, and earlier its weekly builds for many months)?
  4. Z

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    If I update from v14.0.13 Stable (it says, You're up to date) to HyperOS v1.06, can I do it without Factory resetting? I know, it would be cleaner to start from scratch but I have lot of private and business apps set-up Lisa with TWRP decrypting and working fine on v14 (it was part...
  5. Z

    Play Integrity Fix and Wallet issues

    You will need TrickyStore, see However - and you will not find links to download, you have to search on your own - you will have to find an unrevoked keybox.xml
  6. Z

    Cannot pass strong integrity because of XiaomiEU Injector?

    I was expecting that comparing the release date (and I know how to properly debloati XiaomiEUInject). That date was the reason I asked My point way if somebody who installed himself the particular build could confirm But ok, if it's not possible to get that kind of answer, never mind
  7. Z

    Cannot pass strong integrity because of XiaomiEU Injector?

    Just a question please - is this auto-switching (to allow passing Strong with Tricky Store and the proper keybox) provided for Mi 11 Lite 5G NE in the latest HyperOS 1.0.5 build...
  8. Z

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Via Magisk and Play Integrity Fix/Fork module. Not supported by XiaomiEUModule apk
  9. Z

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Of course it does And without TWRP, how else would you install Magisk?! But if your device have init_boit.img, then you must patch init_boit.img, not boit.img In the zio you have all imgs, hence check And pay attention what Magisk says when patching (Ramdisk found or not, patching ok...
  10. Z

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    That policy is old. By definition, with unlocked Bootloader you don't pass Play Integrity and without Play Integrity Wallet (and RCS, etc) will not work However, there are methods to spoof. And that is what the XiaomiEUModule is used for. For attesting Play Integrity, your phone pretends to ve...
  11. Z

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Yes, I read your post but you didn't read OP Instructions - there are no word.about using MiFlash Read and follow OP post #1, F A S T B O O T installation, F I R S T install sctipt That's it, you don't need TWRP (and maybe there is no TWRP for your device that supports A14 and data...
  12. Z

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Did you read OP post #1 - there is no word about MiFlashTool. See the screenshot However, is custom ROM, not the official Xiaomi (EEA or other) ROM for whom the official instructions say to use MiFlashTool This forum is dedicated to the custom ROM, hence a wrong place for...
  13. Z

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Wipe Cache for Wallet. Check in Wallet Settings, Payment method, what exactly it complains about
  14. Z

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Stable releases are based on Xiaomi Stable releases hence you never know 100% but generally what went for testing in dev builds should make it finally to the Stable But always compare the date when last Stable was released. Generally, switching from Weeklies to Stable is considered as downgrading
  15. Z

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Here you also use the same EU Module but make sure you always install the latest. When G bans the old prints and Wallet stops working, find the new EU Module and install. Reboot and wipe cache for the Wallet Reopen Wallet, go to the Settings, Payment setup and verify that you have green...