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  1. L Stable

    My bootloader is locked, but I flashed stable global rom with miflash with no problems. :)
  2. L Stable

    Well for now I would like just to have a ROM that is working, because on this one alarm clock is not working, not even a third party.
  3. L Stable

    Oh, so even if I get permission I will have to do a EDL way? If I put global original rom without unlocking bootloader I will get further updates with that new rom?
  4. L Stable

    I did, only boots up normal like I didn't press vol up plus power.. It only goes to fastboot normally (vol down plus power).
  5. L Stable

    Why didn't you wait for their permission?
  6. L Stable

    Anyway, even if it's locked and let's say it is rom, would it update through OTA ( for now it says there is no new updates)? And I read on this forum there is an rom that can be flashed as an upgrade?
  7. L Stable

    Maybe it's real but they put it there with workaround? There is no recovery. I tried through Reboot to recovery mode.
  8. L Stable

    What should I do if I don't get permision? And how did they flash it without permision from Xiaomi?
  9. L Stable

    Is this a fake?
  10. L Stable

    I hope iz is not hack copy because honorbuy is usually solid web shop. But it's locked because there is no recovery, I even tried xiaomi flash tool. It said is'locked
  11. L Stable

    No, unfortunately it's locked.
  12. L Stable

    I bought Mi5 from honorbuy and they delivered the phone wuth stable from Alarm doesn't work not even from third party apps. Is there a never version that solved that problem? Because OTA update says I have the latest MIUI? And I'm waiting approval to unlock bootloader but...
  13. L

    If They Reject My Application To Unlock Bl?

    What to do if you're rejected? Because I wrote request in english and later I saw that someone wrote that it should be written in simple chinese using google translator? I bought my Mi5 from honorbuy and the problem is they put unofficial rom and alarm clock doesn't work, not even from...