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  1. vagyula


    I tried this release on my SGS3, but this version is very buggy for me. The display does not wake up, just reboot helps. When i get notification, get Systemui fc. Anyone has similar problem? (the previous release works correctly)
  2. vagyula


    Is there any chance to multilang pack on this week?
  3. vagyula


    Themes aren't open in file explorer. :(
  4. vagyula


    How to make DRM for theme?
  5. vagyula


    What does it mean? :)
  6. vagyula


    Themes not work if open them in file explorer.
  7. vagyula


    No multilang this build?
  8. vagyula


    Sign in your xiaomi account( if not create) The miui/themes folder be empty. Start theme, then import any theme from sd card.
  9. vagyula


    Themes work, read back;)
  10. vagyula


    Sign in your xiaomi account then enjoy themes;)
  11. vagyula


    Thememanager app works correctly if the theme folder is empty then import any theme.
  12. vagyula

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.26 [ICS & JB]

    Can you help me how declared this separator (FileExplorer)? I can't find this.
  13. vagyula

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.26 [ICS & JB]

    It works perfectly:) Thx
  14. vagyula

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.26 [ICS & JB]

    I deleted array.xml,and values-hu non-translate stings, but still MiuiSystemUI FC. @ingbrzy: Can you try the hungarian language on the GT-I9100? (set hungarian language,then reboot)
  15. vagyula

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.26 [ICS & JB]

    Here it is: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create service SystemUIService: java.lang.SecurityException: invalid status bar icon slot: privacy_mode at at...
  16. vagyula

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.26 [ICS & JB]

    This is the screenshot, report bug sent to miui.
  17. vagyula

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.26 [ICS & JB]

    It Doesn't work :(
  18. vagyula

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.26 [ICS & JB]

    I'm the translator,but i can't find whats wrong.:(
  19. vagyula

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.26 [ICS & JB]

    After reboot MiuiSystemUi has stopped again with hungarian language setting.(Gt-I9100) What's wrong?Help please.
  20. vagyula

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.19 [ICS & JB]

    MiuiSystemUI has stopped with hungarian language.(GT-I9100) Bug report sent. Please check it.